Digest of WHIstoly of the Compost of M4eto* 1W VIiito 8. Pectt. 
Now &M fwised U4. (1873). U. of le. LibrAzW 
Owleo S. Lo 5/10/36 
P. T. "In the ttmo of tho Astooeo, tho table-laMd us thily 60si*1 with

la& oa, cqprs, -id othr foresttre,. 
N  ei.d the *"I   $.masla  made inri sstlatato, vr on OWe forests,'

p. 37, Olt uS a ftj        offemme to toovo the b   iev of emther's lands.,,$

So treqpas   awur mtioned. howier, 
r. 41. 'P14 ainls a-d birds*         offered for tames. 
p*~. 2,   a  ' 40 tige  *"*s awe listed as Ite of tibuito (tas). 
p. 43. A large aWof the ma uws used to *e*d on the assoosirw of' taes. 
-p,. "Frs fish was frequently sore4 at Moteuwmas table ik twnt-for 
bmrs from. the time it had 'boon Wc  in the Gulf of V~*f, tm* 
hwaso miles fwm the aital.' It wes carried 16, eoiwiws. 
T. 7. In soewe s'x*      the altar of the 4i91V ore, stain~ed with no 
blo  axe that of antal ."; 
&g~tg ~t 'mog the offortiywo q.atl. mW be partimlar1y nticed, 
tow the Incredible quantitis of the  stifiewi atd wuwao at 
-vW of the fostival.0 
P 156. 'The table me wall pr~vite4 with wabtantial mootsie   oeal     m 
&wa   whic the most eonpltis wus the takr * 
ft*Ugj !t *he .4auaads mw bomse nmbrs of turkes in the 
domesi  sta, on tbeir arrival in iMexe, *wee they were more, 
ema tha a3 other polty       The   m   foud wild, not ouly IS 
low Spain, tmt all along the continent, ia the lse frequetet. 
pleoe figs th    othot       territory of the United 3tates to 
)',m     Ths wilt tuttW Is large, more besetitl, sad *ra7 vWs 
inxrably Mier bird tha the tmo.' 
p.137. The we *swvwo penalties aginst the sestwsetioa Of the wote, 
with high the amtry us won coered before thes oauet.' 
8r~    us wel manage also.* 
p.146   Tha wae, (with cotton) 'ths solteto har of vabbitos ad other anmals...*

p.I85. Ngeaotl (140u-wiT47) fbpowor) 'follew*t the hardier p3oeaures 
of the *ase in the nohie wotes that stwtee for miles arout Mes 
villa, flouishivg In all their primeval a~jes.6