424 University Farm Place 
JTunO 15- 1935 
Division of ame VMatumt 
Mr. Xm.eth A. Rid 
Isaak Walton Le    of Ameica 
Merihandis Mart 
Chicago. Illinois 
Dear Mr. 1eidi 
I ee substantially with Bb Marshall on 
of' statutory vs. regulatory wilderness areas. 
the question 
Neihe device holds out    ch pronise, beuse neither 
administrators n   voters have.,  a rule, &:W deep rasp of the 
Implications of the wilderne.ss Idea~. That is to say, theV harbor 
philosophies without kwi                 it. Wh    the conflicts 
eventuly come to the murface, It is the wilderness which usualy 
gives ru   . This to the origin of what Bob calls "seaked amend- 
ments of boary.* Th adjeotive is acoratO in th       sense that 
te losses sneak upo us unawares. 
There Is one respect in which statutory areas would be 
superiors    1M    sentiment would tend to have more wight than 
local, ]Mt national sentiment is al.so entirelyro)es anA 
would be in dAnger of discrediting the whole ids&  hafbaked 
propsals. You kow yourse.lf that the averae Waltonias would 
clamor for w   area. and the further awn the less discriminati  g 
would be his attitude. 
The omly re~ aesuranae we have is the promotion of 
friends, of the idea to high administrative positions. 
Yours sincerely, 
Aldo Leopod 
V%                      Professor of (6me management