While Meditating the Selection of the Best Specie of Game Bird to 
Restock Your Shooting Preserves, Consider the Following in 
Reference to the Old Reliable Native Bob White: 
Bob white are native to America. A very significant and important 
point, the more apparent after mature deliberation. A thoroughly ma- 
tured knowledge of the many contributing reasons that your selection 
should be bob white revolve around the fact that they are native. It has

taken many centuries for the great scheme of nature to evolve a game bird

equal to the task of surviving the varied adverse conditions common to the

existence of birds that must live only upon the ground, ground roosting 
and ground nesting. Bob white is nature's final and most perfected gift to

the American gunner. No other specie has stood the test, many of them 
becoming extinct shortly after the advent of the unnatural demands of the

gunner, although all the while bob white has weathered the brunt of Amer-

ica's gunning and even yet they remain America's most plentiful game bird.

These innate abilities are equaled by no other game bird; the lack of 
any of such inherent abilities would also prove fatal to their existence

under the many varying conditions in America. Bob white are the most 
prolific and persistent egg layers, promptly laying again and again in 
new nests when broken up, thus they are the most rapid and abundant 
in reproduction of all game birds. 
When hatched or liberated, their normal range is within the immedi- 
ate vicinity. When bought for stocking purposes, the fact that they stay

"put" and are not apt to wander off their protected range is a
very im- 
portant point, which is not true of any other released game bird. 
Bob white are the cheapest available game bird in first cost, and de- 
cidedly cheaper in the long run because of their proven advantages. 
Why experiment with less hardy, less prolific, untried, higher priced 
foreign species? Nature has never produced the equal of our own familiar

native bob white. 
It is reckoned that under usual  conditions in America that 90% of 
game birds go to satisfy the greed of their natural enemies, leaving scarcely

10% for the gunner. Under such conditions it is easy to reason what 
becomes of less able species. 
Put your dollar in old reliable native bob white. Your money will be 
wisely spent and your judgment unshattered. Good shooting will be your 
reward to the extent of your successful elimination of bob's natural ene-

mies. You take care of the enemies and bob will care for himself to far 
better advantage than any other game bird. You will get the enormous 
supply of birds that has been going as prey to the vast horde of bob's 
natural enemies, dependent upon your ability to eliminate such enemies. 
In this manner bob white will maintain a normally balanced, abundant 
supply, allowing splendid annual shooting. But even bob white will not 
stand the unequal strain of all his uncontrolled natural enemies and good

shooting in the bargain. No man has the right to free shooting-to con- 
tinue to take without on obligation to give in return. 
Moral: "As ye sow, so shall ye reap."