Vol. II 
No. 5 
Recently the Game Commission was in rzceipt of an aluminum pheasant 
leg-band, which after investigation was found to h.ve been placed on a Ring-necked

Pheasant released during the spring of 1915-16. The band was returned from

Sullivan County with a letter to the effect that it had been removed from
a blue- 
3hoked pigeon. No doubt tho person who killed the ringneck removed the band
placed it on the pigeon. 
About a half dozen bands from Bob-thite Quail have been received at the 
offices of the Gnme Conzission so far during the hurting season. Unless the

sportsmen have not cooperoted as they should in returning bands, few of the
quail released this sprin- were killed. The purpose of having bands returned
rather an importzn- one  n thet 7tpr6rided a splendid means of keeping a
on any birds wVich   ni-t mrvte into other states.