k ~'' 
DigePt of 
Tousle, Mrs. John H.        W Aubun              Banta Pablishing Co. 
(Covering period 1831-1533) 
P. 13 "littie glades of Prairie opening to the water" on shore
Mackinaw Olty, Mieh. 
p. 22 Rattlesnakes @omwn at Portage (Carver     kes seams utatement). 
p. 5F Sandhill Crmes seen at Dffalo aike. 
p. 56 Wild rice plugs river between Twiffalo Take and Porte". 
(Carver also says this). 
p. 59 Prairie lay between Portage and Fox River, Othickly wooled 
ri'~ro* to 9, 
p. 103 Osomttmes the elevations (in the rollt  prairie) were covered 
with a thicket or cope, in wh ch our loes wnull -ener-11y 
rouse up one or more leer." This Just south of 4Adison. 
P. 107 'In this oren ctnintry there are no lanimarks" (Srke I.ing of

trail from Blue Mounds SE to "Hamiltonts djrgings". 
(Iota, Tafayette Co) 
r. 115 Pecstonica ws broken and ttmbered. 
P. 142 Sand dunes at Chiiao covered with "stinted cears,   ines, 
and dwarf willow trees." 
P. 153 rXaes outfit,    "To these (articles) If his deatination 
were  lk Serlor or some -nint fUrthr north, where such 
rtieieA were not to be obtained were added one or two 
skeod deerskins for moccasins." 
p2014 ftiwn hnntinr diary In "CiaoAnt iquiities 1991-rppF9-92.0 
p. 23  1. of Barney Lawtons lay "a nrairie, atretchtn  :way to the 
NI. No livinr creAre ws to be sen--but circlin over 
our heads were Innmerable fl.c!s of curlews" loc? 
p.   0 "Sassafras" in oak openiwg at Dnkl-eyls Orove. 
p. 256 Brook trout caught -t Trtle Creek,, N. of LiAe Geneva. 
. 5   Decr.  f bir- son-s inclule "the wrbling bass of the 
rse, the !runi:xA    of the pnrtrile."    Th1s was in spring. 
ShArptail or P C ment by*grouse". 
,K-  1