6. To carry out long-time projects on publicly owned lands, incluiding 
tracts now being- acquired by the Conservation Department; but some 
temporary phases may be completed on lands of private cooperators. 
PRCBABLE DUIRATIOTT: This is a long-time project. Fpme phases would be completed

within 3 or 4 years. The project will be reviewed, evaluated, and 
reo riented in 5 years, 
FINANCIAL SUPPORT:  25,O00 a year, mostly for salaries and travel (see TT.
PERSONTEL: Supervision for forest monagenent by Scholz (Lake States Forest

Experiment Station) , for soils by 7Tilde (University cf Wisconsin), for

wild life by Leopold (University of Wisconsin), and for forest pathology

by Piker (University of 7isconsin). 
IYSTITUTIOITIL UNITS ITIWOLVED: As indicated under personnel. 
COOPEPATIOCY: Lake States Forest Experiment Station, U.S.D.A., 7isconsin

Agricultural Experiment Station, the University of Wisconsin Arboretum, 
and Wisconsin Conservation Department cooperating. 
N.B. Funds applied to this work can be directly productive, since there is
large need to buy experimental equipment or supplies or to erect buildings

(except for greenhouse space). 
An adequate supply of forest planting stock of a wide range of species 
and size classes is available from state forest nurseries. 
The primary need is to hire competent research men and assistants to do 
the work.