424& Univrsiy Far Plteo 
Novrember 29, 1939 
Mr. Joreph IN Arnold 
College of Arioultm 
UivoWrsity of Arzn 
Tuson,~ Atsn 
Dear Mr. Arnol&: 
I am uch pleased to hear from you and to 
be reassured that the utitloual .xpewizents with 
jasrbbits are going ahead this winter. I ca under- 
stand the diff1lultiev icier whielh you are "rkirg, 
but the attam,-t is Important. 
My judgment on whon to priiblish would not be 
any good, bocauss I do not knw inou* of the d.tail. 
I hope, UU, that you will keep as posted. I ao 
were il.tested than ever, for during the mxinor I did 
so~e convutizE rQrk for the Soil Conservation Servic 
aimed priuncipally at rodenit poltq. Ini ordor to gie 
you the fternleirsctior of this -work, I ar a-king 
Mfr. 'Frnest G. Holt to send. you P copy, of myr"ot 
wbiol, ! inderstaid Ile hias had slmeogaphed. 
Your*s incerel~y, 
'l Lt-Opol4 
ea Mr. Rolt           Profeso   of 41ldife YKi,*eat