K.~~Ot                  24Joes*  0 1932 
Good business polliay  as rell as the provias  of 
tue la,      s that the Ceision will do wil to 
avoid         all it* e     m one bsoket. A forest pro- 
alon     wil not meet the reauirwemnts ini entral and 
northern liconsin. Riig nook phent s,         nan pa- 
tridges and other exotioge spees simpy do not fill 
the bill in these timbered   eas. Tere ,, no .        fr 
our depandae in these rgione on our ntive ge speoies, 
aia likte:se there ts no getting avay from the fact that 
these native Apesies uow are confronted with4 citical dif- 
fioultie for the scltion of Ohih the state has unerway 
no teal orogr&- or policy. 
it Is to oell atte ,ntiou to 4efliidte projeotg in thisi 
field of service tc our u-tive  ine that re hive m+uiued 
eve tentative Projeots for the oonsider-tlon of the 
lesiou.      e thoroughly believe the owission, hard u 
as it ts for funds, could witte  spend the  o   ey frall 
of thse undetakings. We believe it unthinkable that 
wen the Qomassion has all the faets it will Jelibervtely 
kill all forward locking vork being done i, behalf of our 
native game. It is not implied that researh on native 
gL. aouad represtnt an additional cost to the statet 
alt   & this mg     be jwstified. Rather it is our t      t 
that the Comwiesoon In aflting the ffudsl %t its disposel 
caanot af ford to spend -money fVor gae-wrposep without 
apert of the funds to research on native -Ame. 
The dotails of admiatstratior  of any research work 
to be uioertakeni is a wtte!r of less   cue*      Themai 
thing is to retain the mcmentum we have attained In'the 
prairie chieken  tventitions, t     ush this projeat to a 
suoesaful Gornpet ion, and to get stnrtod on givl. ar pro-, 
jects bich will make pcsstble intelligint lgislative 
action aud efficient land iaaa      n i nn  ton7 
oux other native gams species. 
If the Omission destres closer participation on 
the part of the Uiversty in oarrying on game research 
we believe the Board of Regents will welcome s h an Invita- 
tio   a n  that they will be glad to enter into a ocoperative 
relatlouship with one thouht foreost,       ly that tb* 
orglzation set-up must be guoh as best to faoilitate the 
suessfu   avhievement of the ;oals  greed upon. They 
will not be ntereAted in prrogativeA or checks and 
Q    rue Ve. fteaWcio      * SiS 
1. L. Jone