MADISON, WIS.  March 24, 1941 
Prof. Aldo Leopold, 
Old Entomology Bldg, U.W. 
Madison, Wis. 
Dear Dr. L6eopold: 
The date of the "blowdown" was October 22, 1938   The 
depth of snow ranged up to 20 inches( in Sawyer Co.) The 
snow froze onto trees, wires etc, and was followed by a northeast 
gale that broke down not only trees but poles and wires, and 
blocked roads and put electric light plants out of business. 
The area around Trout Lake was hard hit. Faculty members 
who have cottages there lost most of their large trees. 
Your "Wisconsin Wildlife ChronoloVy" is greatly appreciated. 
II notice a few additions on hastily glancing over it.- 
The  "big sleet" in 1922 was on Washington's birthday, and not-.,

in March.    There was sever, drought and intense heat in July, 1916. 
The drought of July, 1901 was restricted to the southern part of 
Wisconsin, the central and northern parts having ample rainfall. 
Enclosed is a copy of" our table of opening and closing of 
lakes, brought up to a year ago. 
Yours very truly, 
Eric R. Miller 
Official in Charge.