trail and road at the mouth of the run. The entire drainage 
is well defined by a prominent ridge on either side and is a 
typical game area. A checking station maintained during the 
small and big game seasons obtained the following information 
on the area: 
1. Number of hunters (men or women and whether 
State or out of State hunters). 
2.  Total cars. 
3. Number and sex of each species of game killed. 
4. Illegal kill (by check on area). 
5. Location of all kills on large scale map of 
Study of this area is being continued which will determine the 
population of each species and by careful collection of data 
throughout the year for several years, should give much re- 
liable information on ratio of sexes, increase ratio(normal 
yield), kill ratio, kill per unit area, cruising radius, carry- 
ing capacity, success ratio, yield per unit area, predator kill, 
allowance for predators, etc. The value of such a study in or- 
der to supply these data can hardly be overestimated. It is 
probable that it will be necessary to begin similar studies on 
other areas in order to obtain such data on all species. 
Habits (observation notebooks) 
To supplement data on the habits of wildlife obtained on 
various other projects. Members of personnel who are interested 
and qualified have been furnished with special notebooks for re" 
cording their observations. From this source, additional val- 
uable information is being obtained by accurate reports of ob- 
servations made concerning mating dates, dates when young are 
born, number per litter, when young are first seen alone, age 
of maturity, longevity, preferred location of dens, date of hi- 
bernation, food of all species, kinds, and amounts, favorite en- 
vironment, etc. 
Ruffed qrOuao Resting and3 Brood Survival . 
Efforts this year to obtain detailed knowledge on nesting 
and brood survival of Ruffed Grouse on the Forest were limited to 
a preliminary investigation in the nature of an informal study. 
Due to the Wildlife staff not being started until May 1 when the 
nesting season had already begun, the problem of a grouse study 
could only be felt out. However, it was thought that valuable 