Rja    olt.w  and *" ~theefr  dote    any   ,  It is po 
sible to frCQ  thtt Via own mad ~We who depen     onte 
had Jt as wal   tmetw~ #ieir fifa .tionse 'sh      e.a 
J~st as wl moorz     tl~elr wouls b~v ckoo  atib  eai 
Bt t"a" thos       of no wh   feelinL our bones th~at it in 
an gret a socia   win to &A1tftx, proscibe a mn3        out- 
door atteetixes ae to rwbttarly prevzibe those other 
twndamtal eholos that w bew learned to osil iLuaeaf 
able rigts* Th. metal ftres that drw      "s to th   id 
are acient and fudmetl, 'Mt t           are atrophied in 
soe  is all the m  reaso vdi the    are antitil to x. 
*pst ia othes 
In abort, rIo as aerting Vitt Vzome who love th 
wildes  shoul not be *ol1y deprivd of it, that v&,1 
the reduction of the vdlde0noe h" been a ..Do    wing, Its 
extemination woU be a vr   bd one, ard Ut the on. 
sration of iildornot is the an% urjat nt Lifficult 
of all ths tasks ti'*t eonfnt us$ beee thze a"no- 
*ocnomie laws to balp aud mAy to hinter Its acomplisent, 
So~ wasfr the Bildoewos thoy       If w &**opt 
tho prispe %bat ha      wlfare to to be aasu     ins tan- 
dards of living rthor Can 'In millions of pepltien n,    d 
that the Wivilese of takix   a vacation in *., real wilds 
Ino ne of theme stnars tbn the vBido.en theor         Is 
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