Oept. 9. 10930 
Prof. H. It. -11&t 
School of Pomsty A&osrvto 
An Arbor, Mt*1iga 
Dear Tigtt 
I am deligted to we w   ruil popuations, bat of 
cows shall wq ym- mzpld all th Mihg       ata. I aprelats 
the pains Zrcm hav tal  to wnin myIqiis 
I do not have ewg  oe fro other sate to Justify 
a popuation densit ma for phaats. Ron    I coul nt us   h 
comile, in excty the na    Was) I abal nso yu destil.  fo 
I thnkth ~beat wv  obmoeti      s for m to   d 
cwtlicin or iti    vhA   ,ucnmlA     It is Imosd    Loe 
joy edAnenvmeacaifteation of emxties. 
In Cbw,* Ga   Su- 