University of Wisconsin - Department of Wildlife Maniagement 
You are requested to enter below the number of cottontail rabbits seen 
during your hunting this year and how late you saw young rabbits that have

Just left the nest. 
I would like to get as many samples as possible, so if you can remember 
the mimber seen during pheasant and chicken hunting, include those also.

You may tncludo counts by others if you can vouch for their reliability.

If you are not hunting rabbits, would you hand this to some reliable person

who is? 
Please keep this until your hunting is over for the year and then return

to me. 
Yours sincerely, 
Name of 
The latest da,e 
Aldo Leopold 
424 University Farm Place 
Madison, Wisconsin 
that I saw young rabbits that had just left the 
Hours     No. of cotton- 
County    Township   afield    tails seen 
lost was: 
Was dog 
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