Copy to Mr. King 
Aug 5, 1930 
Lr. JomnGidl 
I am Idbtd to y     for th ad4itto    inortion 
on Gnwhe cycles. Probbly you realiz how exewli1gy har It to 
to find *itten records. I take it y,, have no objection to m 
Ing this rerd and als the ones prwknasly st you      on myw uit 
for *blication. 
I am Able to -,ve this matter of eces only Incdn~ 
attention In cnetion with mr        a ot       ,   t at the tntI 
rsit   of K      ta m  Instittion       es a fellowsip devet 
entirely to cycles. This wrk Is beir- done by Mr. RaphT Kin, 
wuld1 apeite the prvIlae. of correnowInC with yuproaly. 
What cientific or consatim      e.ting are yo exetin to atte 
within the next year wer Mr. King an  I might hveteopprmt 
of a prn     onferec? 
Yors sincerely, 
In Mxe     aefa"