P                                           Miy 3, 1923, 
The forester2, 
behington, D. O, 
Dear Uir: 
At the roeueet of iecretar O M. Btler of the 
Frestry Association, M. Leopold has pre     ed  he atah 
artiole. It Is due not later than July     , being sch      for 
the September iseue of Aorestry,            4w  opies acopay 
this letter, 
After review by yur office it Is requeste    that an edited 
copy be transmitted to   , r  tler, together with such photographs 
as you may be able to spare. 
It is regretted thawe cannot furnish sultable photofraphe 
SLoopold circularised m        forest and rme officials for 
ateuial and photos, but they responded       only the fomer. 
It ooours to us that not all %he illustratione need be 
game piOtures, Posiebly a fire pioture like 28025 or 12001 could 
be ueod with a title from the Joel   otation in pr* 1, page I* 
Possibly a burn like 2-90921 or 2788A oould be used with a title 
from the last two page. Have the fawn (1194A-2) and Ligon's 
turkey (263l5A-) been overdone? 
Kolleys new pioture 174Z08 and 174309 are rther striking 
devatation piotures for Western Yellow Pine, and might be used 
with aoouraoy to illustrate the disappearanceo of the -.-ood plants 
lieted on the left, O2:o 10 and the pgobble epread oi Oamb1 
oak, liwted on the ruht, 
Ur. Rsdington and Mr# lair took some pictures pertaining 
to the doer problem on the California loeet last year which we 
understand include some pictures of burns and fire effect on 
food supply that might be suitable if they are available for the 
illustration of this article,