lo The feather rarking techniue us"ve ~sk. ftlUuv. beam.e M* r   re

2. Co.1md cellloid bands funished .onsiderable infrai.o           h 
dis~p~rml of msuimd qimil but had the 11 ittimu that they oaIld riot be ae

in fli!-ht or in Yewry vftatiorw 
3. The atep     to deemiethe rate and extent of~ disp~ml by field 
ob..rvttiona wa onlY pstitlly satisfactory because it rft irporisible to

cover the entire rg or find all of the bird@ in the area thwt wnlM be 
covred orn a single day. 
4a In g.oneral a eoniuArwible proportion of both the adult atd juvenile 
quail took up sunrrsn"s within )-alf a mile of the point of liberat
In one irns*6 at lmast 10 adults ou~t of a planting of 26 estRb-,Iihed thmo

slves within this ratium. A few observations kndleated            ofemnt
 %7  n 
2 m iles fron the plan-ting aito. 
5* No positive evidmno* of broeding ias obta14.d 
4,  he"was no evidence of severe mortAlity; wprnly a ecusiderebl 
portion of the advlts and am- -, the young wre ab~le to mat teslves to 
.i-r~ticnm In the wild,