State Game Farm 
Subsidiary Game Faxws 
Hungarian partridge Farm 
Moon Lake Refuge 
Five year stocking program for 
Ring-neck pheasants and Hungarian partridge 
-he Wisconsin state game farm, located in section 15, township 
31 North, range 27 East, Peninsula- State Park, at present consists of 
approximately 93 acres that are in actual use for game farm purposes. 
Facilities include, one game farm mlanager's residence, one residence 
used as a temporary quarterx for game farm employees, one combination 
hatching equipment and feed house and one building used as a storage feed

house. There are three large pheasant rearing fields, one of approximately

16 acres, one of about 26 acres and another of about 10 acres; a wild tur-

key field comprising about 6 acres, a portble breeding pen field of 4 acres,

a sharp-tailed grouse experimental field of 3 acres, an emergency rearing

field of 7 acres, and a prairie chicken and Hungarian partridge experimental

field of 8 acres. 200 stationary breeding pens cover an additional four 
acres of ground. The farm is completely equipped for the annual breeding,

hatching and rearing of 7,500 to 10,000 ring-neck pheasants, with the neces-

sary equipment for an ddditional output of 1,000 miscellaneous game birds.

The farm is equipped also for the production of 20,000 to 30,000 ring-neck

pheasant eggs for cooperative purposes. 
, Jith the addition of 25 to 50 percent more ground the state game 
farm can yield an annual maximum output of 12,000 pheasants, together with

an annu4l production of from 25,000 to 50,000 ring-neck pheasant eggs for

cooperative purposes. 
It is recommended that in 1931 and 1932 the maximum output of 
pheasants at the state game farm be confined to 10,000 birdsb .iith the 
addition of extra acreage an annual output of 12,000 ring-neck pheasants