In addition to the above weights and measurements 110 does 
and fawnis were eoighcd during -the special season on antlcrless 
deer in the i .urderers Crook area, The weights recorded are listed 
Adult Does 
Number Weighed            1 91 
Average Weight            * 88.7 lbs. 
LargestDoe                :122   " 
Smallest Doe              : 45   " 
Number weighing Over 100  : 
lbs.        ___ 
Fa nis 
Number We ighed           1 19 
Average Weight              48.6 lbs. 
Largest Fa,,%n             60    " 
Smallest Fa.n 
The above weight and measurements indicate a general 
decline in vigor duo to malnutrition on the winter ranges. This 
decline is also evidenced by the occurrence of diseased bucks 
taken during the hunting season, The particular disease involved 
has not been determined but has been variously reported elsewhere 
as Necrotic-stomatitis and Pseudo-tuberculosis. Characteristic 
lesions found when dressing out diseased animals are the pus-filled 
cavities in the thorax, abdomen and throughout the body in the 
vicinity of the large lymph glands, 
During the 1937 hunting season following the severe wrinter 
of 1936-37 a largo number of cases were examined, while during the 
1938 season following the mild winter of 1937-_38 but one case was 
soon and it was not a severe one. 
Gamo  Manaoment and Local Economy 
Game management designed to remedy the existing conditions 
must consider the privately owned land adjacent to the forest as 
well as the forest itself. Likewise, it must not ignore the 
established domestic uses of forest land. Consequently it is 
necessary to give recognition to private interests both off and on 
the forest and be in keeping with the fundamental principles of 
economic land use. Wildlife is a natural resource to be utilized 