\uAast 27, 1940 
Pr. 3. A. Wilde 
Soils Department 
DPr Dr. liles 
On A-7t 1l I mea   red the 1940 growth on 9 pairs of Ahite 
pines and 20 pAirs of red pines, one of eoah pnar bein   fertilize  ' 
the other unfertilived. 
The fertiliter consisted of 3 small briquette. per tree dropoed 
down crowbar holes to a depth of 6" on Aril 16, 19,40. 
The fertilizd trAes were mrked by smell stakes. The pairs 
were selected for Pual -e, size, vigor, maintene, n       site, anl the 
trees of each oair were les than 10 feet apart. %oat of the pirs had 
been hoed Since rl-ntiC in l93M and 1939. 
The 9 pairs of white pine hd grown a-n avr. of 5.8" fertilized 
a! 5.5r" unfertilized. The 20 pairs of red pine ad -rown 11.5"
12.1"  noertilied. 
Two pairs of jack pine had grown 11.5' fertilized, 9" unfertilizedg

one pair of whte birch 31" frtilized, 23" unfertilize. These numbers

are, hoever, too siall to mean anything. 
My c nclusion Is that in white and red pine fertilitzer ha d 
effect the first year. 
I will, of oo-rse, re-measure thi fseond yr (1941). At tht 
tie I will also mansure the trees treated -Ith large biqUlett-u (1 eh) 
on July  1. 19140. These were set out in 1J39 (w ite pine) n6 190 (whIte

!and red). 
I appreei~te vwry much your sunplying me with the fertil1xe. 
ineely yours, 
Aldo LYold 
Professor of Wildlife Manat,-nent