Cooperation With Division of Education and Publications 
on Game Division Literature 
It is urged, as soon as funds become available, that the 
following publications be compiled and printed for statewide dis- 
1. Publication of the Wisconsin game and wild life 
refuge program. 
2. Publication of a Wisconsin waterfowl refuge program. 
3. Publication of a Wisconsin winter feeding bulletin. 
4. The ungrazed woodlot - a miniature game and wild 
life refuge. 
It is believed that Wisconsin is in great need of bulletins 
or pamphlets on the above subjectp, and that well written articles, 
giving in substance present and future plans, the particular need 
for the subject and as many interesting prints as possible will 
act in great length in educating the sportsmen of Wisconsin on four 
of the more important game division problems that vitally affect 
every Wisconsin sportsman. 
Additional bulletins should be written and published in 
1932 and 1933 on (1) Wisconsin game, (2) The Wisconsin game survey, 
(3) The Wisconsin state game farms, (4) The Wisconsin Hungarian 
partridge farm, (5) The ring-neck pheasant and Hungarian partridge 
in Wisconsin, (6) Cover restoration in Wisconsin. Additional pub- 
lications should be issued in 1934 and 1935 for the education of 
the public on specific problems during those years. 
It is recoI1mended, in addition, that the divivion of educa- 
tion and publications and the game division offer every cooperation