This clipping f/o  the Freeman, Kingston, New York.
"The conservation of wild life in America, particularly of
birds, has been largely urged from a basis of sentiment, with only
incidental reference to the claims of sportsmen and to the useful
destruction of insects found harmful by farmers. More general in-
terest would be aroused, greater support gained, by stressing the
economic more than the aesthetic gain. Amazing figures have been
published in regard to the annual profits of Louisiana, this state
having the most ideal conditions for the increase and the largest
production of fur-bearing animals of any section of North America.
Now we read that in less favored New Hampshire it has Leen computed
that wild life represents to tne state an annual value of six and a
half million dollars - from game flesh, fur and feathers, insect
destruction, and tourist attraction.
Multiply these figures by the number of our 48 states, making
due allowance for the greater productiveness of such favored regions
as Louisiana, and the value of rame, birds and fur-bearing animals
in the United States will amount to an almost incredibly great sum.
And the deduction for cost of proper protection would be relatively
very small. The aesthetic claims of conservation are worthy of con-
sideration and should be included, but the economic value is so
vast as to compel conservation to be regarded as one of the nation's
great and profitable enterprises."