Noticing his dog remained on point ever so long, a hunter crept si- 
lently up to the creature to behold a crippled quail, a leg and a wing broken,

probably b-r some passing hunter. Several other quail were in attendance,
had brought grain from the fields for the injured bird to feed upon. The
like the hunter, was watching this touching drama with more than human inter-

est. Silently, dog and hunter crept away. (Sent in by Sue D. Schoen, Mon

An immature specimen of Duck Hawk, the fastest flying of our rap- 
ial birds, nrd incidenitally our only true falcon w~s killed recently by
F. Nye, of Iliddletown, Pa., when it attacked his racing pigeons. The hawk

forced one of the pigeons down on a neighbor's porch. The pigeon tried to
through the window but dropped to the floor. Thu hawk seeing the reflection

of the pigeon in the glass struck the window viciously, later pouncing upon

the pigeon and cutting its throat. Mr. Nye states that many times some of
finest birds come home with their craws cut. 
A pair of Duck Hawks have nested for years on the cliffs nbar Dau- 
phin, Pa., and have preyed continuously on pigeons in that vicinity. However,

the pigeons have now become so accustomed to the attacks of the Duck Hawks

that they fly beneath the telephone wires when passing the hawks' lookout,
do not emerge from this safety zone until they have gone perhaps a half mile

or more. The Duck Hawks are afraid to fly beneath the wires.