Founded in 1747.
ELONGING to this church are three pieces of silver, namely, two cups
with handles, and a tankard.
The two cups are a pair, and have plain bell-shaped bodies on circular
bases and two flat solid moulded handles. They are inscribed in cut oval
panels suspended from floral festoons:
Rebecca SattucI to the I Church in Pepperell e? I 9 i 8 ix
Height, 52 in.; diameter of the mouth, 34 in., and of the base, 3 in.
Maker's mark: mOULTON.
Plate CVII.
Rebecca Farmer, the donor, married Thomas Shattuck, December 30, 1 762.
The following extract is from the church records: "March 3, 8 i1 -Ye Ch
tarried after divine service and voted that the thanks of the Chh be given to our
sister Rebecca Shattuck, the widow of Lieut. Thomas Shattuck deceased, for the
generous and acceptable present from her this day of two silver cups marked with
her name for our communion service. John Bullard, Pastor." I
The tankard is plain, and is encircled by a narrow ring; it has a high domed and
moulded cover with a vase-shaped finial, and has a moulded base. The thumb-
piece is scrolled, and at the end of the handle is a plain oval disc. Inscription:
Presented by  M 1s Abigail Prescott) to the Church in Pepperell
Jan. i. 18 17
The weight, 50 Oz. I5 dwt., is marked on the bottom.
Height, 81 in.; diameter of the mouth, 41 in., and of the base, 51 in.
Maker's mark: H           for Daniel Henchman of Boston (17 30-7 5).
Plate CVII.
The donor, Mrs Abigail Hale Prescott, was the widow of colonel William
Prescott who was in command of the forces at Bunkers Hill, and whose grand-
father, Jonas Prescott, gave a beaker to the First Parish, Groton (see page 190).
She was originally from Sutton, in Massachusetts, and died at Pepperell, Octo-
ber 2 1, 18 2 i, at the age of 8 8.
In the original manuscript records preserved in the church is the following note
as to this gift: " March 2, i 8 1 7-The Ch (after communion) voted that thanks
be presented by the Pastor to our sister Abigail Prescott for the silver tankard
lately given by her for the service of the Lord's table. John Bullard, Pastor."
" Information contributed by Rev. Dudley Richard Child, the pastor.