181   University Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin 53706                          Sample Nos. AM Retained

Well name:  Madison City Well #20  (L.A. Smith Station Well)

    T r a p i c R o c k    C l r G r a i n S i z e
    Graphic     Ro                            e
DetsI       k   Color  od G ange :  Miscellaneous Characteristics
    Section IType  I___  ___ ode __ 1._____Range:_______________

1911 i University Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin 53706

Sample Nos. All IRetained

    ADDI I10L IIUF              __TIO__
*Sample  rou 985-98) is Omposod of Palotte-oemented pheroids of       /C sendetone
     4 r." in diamete and "ranule/medlm gebble-sized ronded qatatz -maine,
     Sphoida ar.d qtz raine are Imbedded in a shwly .atrix.
t Sample rom 9W-10 0 has many elot-oesented spherotds &pproximLtely 5 ma In
     dt  ter.

Sple     rom 1010-1 )15 Is a I iht re  brown sandstone spookled vith very d&rk red
     apt 1 m in d ameto., These sots seem to wark coneentrations of yrite

1      *p roe 1. 76- 0            tra  ntu of dark willow brown quartzita .
2 Sample re 1080-1 )85 eo htaned 74  yellov quartz fuwment of jesper? with uYrit.
     an d m ft * A 9f )I1k-a    t Its,
3 Sowpl*ron 1095-1 00 *otained two 5 = fraiments of white to reddiih frooent of
     qj  alt (     )    d one 5 am fam.,ent of aoer?
4Sample 'rem 1100-105 eo taned 7      trarment of dark Yellow brown dirty aqartzite.
5 Sem  l 'rom 1105-110 0oo taned 8 m  fraument of yellot brown chart and 6 mn fr~moent
     of i ~ k yellow  town  Uartzit _ __

         ro 1110-1,15 oot ained 4 m2 Daraboolo quartzite freoment.
7 Sample 'rom 1115-12 Oco tanod 7 m     frw oent of red quartzite with quartz veinlet.

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