3817 Mineral Point Road  Madison, WI53705

(;eologic Log No. Q286-I)N-1303

Weli name:

                         Graphi RockGrain                   Size
     Depths     Graphic      Rock       Color       GrainRange               Miscellaneous Characteristics
                Section      Type                  odel Range
     490-495                Shale & Ss bk jgy&Itb- M/C   Vfn/VC    Silcs sh . Srnd to rnd. Mch VG dolic cem 1 xtls some chips are
     495-50    Z G          Dolomite   Ltbngydkq.   M    Fn/W      See end of log.a sndy dol)lFn/C-glauc. Ltl frst2. Few sec qtz
     500-505             G:. : Sandstone Lt grey  I M/C  Vfn/VC    See end of log. rw. Tr pyr fos frags(w/ss & shmfc nci.
     50-510      "             "                                   Same as 500-505 . /glauc,frstg. Tr pyr,mfc incl,fos fragsrus.
     J o__-._;           -_                "        "      i"      Rnd to Wrnd. Ltl G to F dolic cemdk    sh. Mch qtz st.Fn/M-
     1-2o        *- :.          ,          ,        ,       ,      Rnd to Wrnd. Overll rn size is slgtly coarser than abv. Mch
     520-525                              "                "       Same but trG p cen.dolic cemfrst'. Ltl G pyr cem. Few sec
     2-    o     "                                                ISame but Itl G pyr cem plust r pl 9n sh.\qtz rw. Tr mfc incl_
     530-5       '.3.". .    "  "_"_"                      "       Rnd to Wrnd. Mch G dolic cen frstg. Ltl G pyr ce .qtz st cvd mat.
     535-540    ..                                                             hpyr ce ew seqtz grw. Tm mfc inclpl gn sh.cvd
     40-4         "                    __:"_"" __                 'Same plus tr wh dolic sh.                           \mt;
     545-550   ."                          "                       Rnd to Wrnd. Mch G dolic to calcus cem.frstg. Ltl wh dolic sh.
       0-                  _.... _.__ . ,           "      "       Same but less dolic cem but Tr G pyr cem,Fn-zr,mfc incl,pl gn sh,
     55    0     :':    ..     "                    "      "       Same.\tr wh dolic shale.  gqtz st,rust.
       0-5     ,       . "                          ,,             Rnd to Wrnd. Ltl G dolic cam. Mch frstq. Few sec gtz grw. Tr G
     O6-570    " " . .t.                                   it "me.pr cemFn-zrmfc incl,pl gn sh,wh dolic sh,qtz strust.
     5 7 0 - 5 7 5             I:.: : :. ' . "      i      it
                 5 ....... '                        i      it       it
     580-585.           '      "
                 w             "                    "              Rnd to Wrnd. Mch 6 dolic cem,frstg. Few see gtz grw. Ltl gtz st.I
                       9,. 00., "          "        "t     "    - Same but t gtz st.\Tr G pyr cem.Fn-zr mfo inclpl gn shwhite
        ':.:.                   H                                                                       \i H Sm, " olomitic shale rust.
     6 0 0 -6 0                            ,        ,      ,       S a m e .
     605- 10                 i ,           ,,       ,,     ,        ,,
     15                        I   - t I                   it      Same but little good dolomitic cement.
     1                                     "        "      "       Same /pyr cem,Fn-zrmfe incl,pl gn sh,wh dolic sh,rust,cvd mat.'
          2                     t          "        M      "       Rnd. Ltl G dolic cemqtz st. Mch frstg. Few see qtz grw. Tr G
      2- 30    "M/C                                        I.      Rnd. to Wrnd. Mch G dolic cemfrst g. Few sec gtz grw._Tr G pyr
      30-       ..:.   ::.:    "                                   Same but ltl G dol cem.\cem.Fn-zr.mfc incl p1 gn sh,wh dolic shi
      63-40                    to          of       ,,     it      Same.                                 \ rustcaved material.
      640-645   :     .
      50-655                 Ell'YA"''_""                         Same but much 6 dolomitic cement.
      ,0        "":,""-:       ,,          "        ,'     "      Same.
      660-66    '..  *   .     "           "
      1 6b5-b70 :.:".o.: .                          to It ,,,to
                                         END OF LOG

                               "See enc of log" samples.
     205-210   .'  .:;     Sandstone    Bn yellow Fn/M   Vfn/VC   The lar chips are V sim to abv but qtz end is more abd than dol
                                                         ________ _Srnd to rnd. Mch VG limy dol cemfrst     cvd gvl(Gr/MP-most is a

                           - -"          __     -                  yl tan dol plus cht & other rk types Few sec qtz growths. Tr
                                                                   limpyrolusite,mssv glauconite immature ooliths(qtz end coreal.'
     210-21  , !:.-i::.    Sandstone    Bn yellow  M/C   Vfn/VC   Srnd to rnd. Mch V6 calcus cem.frstg. Ltl gtz st. Few sec ]_z
                                                                   grw. Tr liiapyromssv glucpl gn sh~mfcinLcvd vlLr/P.
     260-265     _   _     Siltstone    Ok rd bn                  Chips vary from Vfn/tn-sandstone to siltstone to silty doiomite_
                                                                   the more clastic the chips the sore glauconite present. Angular
                                                                   Mch very good calcareous to dolomitic cementsilt/M-glauconitei
                                                                   Vfn/Fn-quartz sandred brown hematite shale matrix. Traica
                                                                   calcite~limonitefossil fragmentslcaved material.
     265-270               Sandstone    Ok rd bn  Vfn/Fr Vfn/C    Chips vary as above. Angular. Much very good calcareous to

_________ t _______ ____j _______ jdolomitic cement~guartz siit~red brown hematite shale matrix.        I

I          I     I          I

silt M-alauconite. Trace mica.fossil fra ments.drusy quartz,

I          I    I_____white chert,fossil fraqments~calcite,cavd atril

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..315-320            GDolomite   _ "totlgy      M    Fn/M      Limy & sugary(especially the brown yellow chips). Much floating I
                       ___-_____    ______/_ Dooiequartz sand FnaM some chips are a sandy dolomite) Trace pole
                                                              _ green shaleFn/C-glauconite massive glauconite.Vfn-zircon,.
                                                                rlimonitemed brown chips as above).
  325-330               Sandstone  UylonbAb.,/ Fn     Vfn/C    Same but even more chips of brown yellow sandy dolomite.