B  ofnie shooting or cementing tested 9 houxs at 1990 g.p.m. specific capacity   18,*4 g.p.*/rt
Firsi- two shots, 100 lbe each loosened 21 cubic yards of sahd.
.ested 10 hours at 2152 g.p.m. specific capacity =193. gp.m./ft.
Two 150 lb. shots loosened 10 cubic yards of sand. °Cement'ed casing,
Tested 7 hours at 1900 g.p,m specific capacity a  2.4 g'iam'/ftw iF'c
Final test 6 1/3 hours at 2155 g.p.m. specific capacity m 22.5 g.p~m./ft.
Additional copies may be secured from Wisconsin Geologieal Survey, Science Hall, Madison 6, Wi