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7 *i----

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Snd,yl bn,Vfn.-VC,Srnd,p srtg,rd dc'lic,rnd,
rrch st & cl,lt1 Vfn-cn taxd gvl

I.;*( '20- 45  25Cong, it yl bnflgt - Vfn snd,an-n~       rg
                    nx- rol q-z & dot, itt gtauc,wh cht, &
 25        .li- ) . sandy doI,few; ools

50- C60 ]10

sryi bn, F cern doi    ni     t  ~It bn sty dot,

~i~Z~fZ~Iffn * mJL ~ y 9 & 15   F-

70- 80 1101

-L t pI.1 hr -I Umr Y- n!   flel )'

80- 90              Ss~gry ol Vfn-H,San P srtgP cerndol~rnch
             -C      q 1, C r14   & r? ;.niy al
    90...............Ssidusky yl,fn-M,Sang',F srtg,F cern dol,mot
                    pnk,ltl glauc & Vfn & C snd
ITI 1-20           Ss It 11 bn,lfI-fn, Sang,F st, etdtro
                     p ,i fL .t  Vf n Ar  a
  120 13   71- -*  S                   in srtg, P ce d ot,1 t
  120__130              d,       -Vfn, Sang,F rgPcmdl1t
130-140  10                                        'KS~ty n1fagGst, end t l V
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170-80  0   -- jSs Lt dusk~y yl,IVfnMSangP srtg,P cent dot,

151LOU- i.v f LU
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Ss?..a.    duskyj..  y1VnISn P____________do__
'-±~.cz . t-h~ - i1    s.f, n v-nf fI-   At-t 1-  o'lpii  t. r  cnr

S-'s' It    IsY  ,C-Vfn,SrndP s~t,vfte dot,

200-208   8         p st 14 gyC-VfnSrnd,p stPcr oits

215-225  10  -<..i Ss,1t dusky y -Vfn,rnd,P srtg,P cern dot,1.tl-
                     r-t 4Lsn!L~ v'r' f-t Vf do &snv o
   2 3 U -:v2WO       4 n1_  Tds    Yy,G-tn,rnd Psrg, cern clot,
240- 250 10                1- lCVnSn,      rgFcmdl
250-265  15 **~4   Ss,lt dusky yl,C-Vfn,Srnd,P srtg,P cern del,

265-275  10        SS~;: Ist dusky yi,C-tn,Srnd,P srtg,itl V(; snd,

280-300  20 :    7- :: ~. ss,lt dusky yl,C-Vfn,rnd,P srtg,tr st

     -53~.. J:~~:         ;vvi . -f n rrd-P

35-531    107

11 :.-I39O I ' I

Ss  tduSky yl,C-fn, rnd,P srtg, tr st

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                                        ,rn H--&  fn.IDs - f.r.I
330-3 40 t0    -.S-1 d .- -11 gty,dolic,nch st,it  Vfn-M sd&so

350-365  15 -   .  D,31,pl1"rdVfn-fn,tdhglauc,C-Vi snd & gn gry
             _____                         S .SV    tuci

      Village of 141d'Alcton well 1'4, Ifiddleoton, Wisconsin
~g~'.~,:;.gSE.4-  -{',IEk, Sec. 2, T 711!, R~ CE
      Green Engineering Co.
      Milacger Welt & Pum.Tp CO.,InC., driller  I 1-,
      Sampie Nos. 215621-215793 - xmied by R.f E. 0ct~t





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