McCellan's Warning 
A voice from the grave 
Hark from the tomb a doleful sound 
Mine ears attend the cry. 
I cry to the dwellers of earth, and my voice is to you, oh ye children of
men. I 
charge you, oh ye children of mortality, take warning of my fate & follow
not in the 
path I have trodden. 
Beware of evil minded men, who prefer to serve God & their country by
themselves against the rulers of the land. 
Trust not nor follow blindly those men who say that party is of more importance

than the interests of their country. Know ye not that they are blind leaders
of the 
blind; and that they with their followers are (?) are long to fall together
in the ditch? 
Suffer not yourselves to be led astray by men of fair speech or specious
who outwardly appear fair; they may be but whited (sic) sepulchers; remember
Satan can transform himself into an angel of light. 
Beware of stepping on dangerous ground; set not your feet on Platforms constructed

by men who know not God & who lay not the foundation of their structure
on the 
eternal rock of Truth and Justice. Know ye not, it is dangerous to stand
on the 
Platform. For I myself when amongst you attempted to do this thing, but in
vain for 
holding in one hand an olive branch and in the other a drawn sword, I stepped

upon the Platform. 
And lo the structure-which was erected in the midst of a great city which
toward the setting sun-proved to be a confused & ungainly mass of unsound
unburnt brick, stone, & straw, poorly put together & daubed with
mortar gave way & fell and burying its builders under its ruins and there
were slain 
of men a great multitude and amongst them was was (sic) St. Clement who was
prophet, priest, & king, who is now with me in this place and shadow
of death. 
Therefore oh ye dwellers of the shores of time, take heed of yourselves,
beware of 
men who cry peace, peace, when there is no peace. For I have found there
is no 
peace for us even in the grave. Give not ear to the specious pleadings of
seeking for power, for their words are false & their promises vain, though
words may be smoother than oil. Set not yourselves in array against the powers
be, if you would gain position in the world, even though the men that set

themselves up as leaders, be in their day & generation wiser than the
children of 
light. Finally oh my brethren where again ye seek the control of this nation,
a man who is neither for war nor peace; gives earnest to the revealed will
of the 
people. Choose me to build a platform on which you may stand with safety;

remember the fate of the Chicago platform of us who were crashed by its fall
& now 
lie cold & stiff in the silent grave with no hope of resurrection. I
have been Captain 
of Host in the army of Freedom, but being more attached to the spade than
musket, my position was taken from me. Wherefore I set myself against the
ruler of