The hour draws near when we must hear 
The musket's crash and the cannon's roar; 
The shriek, the yell of shot and shell, 
And stand on fields well stained with gore. 
Must honors win mid battle's din? 
And not the nation's honor stain? 
Repel the arm that seeks her harm 
Or fall beneath the heaps of slain. 
A Riddle 
What is it man loves more than life, 
Fears more than death or mortal strife? 
The miser spends, the spendthrift saves, 
And all men carry to their graves. 
Selected Contributions From The Students' Olio 
Third Number, 1864 
For the first time in our lives, we have been called to sit in the editors
(sic) chair. It 
came so unexpected, that we were taken by suprise (sic). We had supposed
that we 
would not have been promoted to that high and responsible office. And methinks

that if the people outside of Platteville new (sic) of there being a chance
of them 
becoming Editors of the Student Olio by joining the Literary Union they would
in by thousands, but they would find themselves sadly mistaken, if they came
that purpose. Ye editors have come to you with tears in their eyes entreating
you for 
a contribution, for our paper, but ye have answered us nay, and said we have
time to write for our paper. Ye editors would sugjest (sic) the following
motto, That 
where little is given, little will be required. Owing to our dispatches coming
so late, 
we are unable to present to our readers as good a paper as we would wish
to. Our 
dispatches from the war are among the missing, we think the rebels must have
a raid a (sic) taken them, for we cannot account for them any other way.
We thank 
those who have contributed to its columns, and hope those that did not contribute
its pages, may be benfited (sic) by reading it for they were not benfited
(sic) by 
contributing to its columns. 
Intemperance is the excessive indulgence of our passion and appetite in the

immoderate use of alcoholic drinds (sic). Those (sic) is nothing which has
a greater 
tendency to subvert our morals and flings us into degradation and misery
then (sic) 
the immoderate use of spiritous (sic) liqurs (sic). It has ruined thousands.
Often the 
most brilliant talents and of the highest intellect have alike been overpowered
by it