In recognition of the time lapse between the 1907 letter and the Civil War
services of 
the Academy students, and assuming that Pickard and Evans compiled their
independently, the names of the Academy students contained in the "letter"
list of Pickard 
and the names of the Academy students in the "probate" list of
Evans must be considered 
as remarkably similar. Because Evans must have visited many of the camps
of Union 
soldiers in the sale of commodities, his information may have been the result
of actual 
conversations with some of the former Academy students. Such contacts may
have been 
conducive to spread of "rumors" of former Academy students who
were now the enemy, 
but, also, such contacts may have provided more reliable information than
data that Pickard 
was able to compile. 
The following roster of Academy students, who served in the Civil War, represents
compilation of the "letter" roster of Pickard and the "probate"
roster of Evans. Question 
marks (?) have been noted to account for discrepancies concerning the Civil
War services of 
the Vance twins, Andrew and Charles, on the side of the Confederacy, and
whether or not 
Nicholas Dale survived from his services on the side of the Union. 
Roster of Platteville Academy Students, 1846-60 
Who Served in the Civil War. 1861-65 
(Died in Service*) 
In Union Army As Soldiers 
Joseph Alford 
James Armstrong* 
Warren H. Armstrong* 
William Armstrong* 
John M. Altizer 
George Bevans* 
John C. Black* 
Thomas Bray 
William L. Bray 
Otis A. Boynton* 
Emmanuel J. Bently 
George B. Carter 
Richard Carter 
James H. Cabanis 
Jasper Cabanis* 
Lewis C. Chase 
William Dixon 
Charles L. Dering 
Nicholas Dale* (?) 
H. Clay Evans 
Alfred H. Fitch 
Henry M. Gribble 
Sven C. Himoe 
John E. Himoe* 
Joseph L. Horr 
William F. Jackson* 
John S. Lewis 
George LaFollett* 
George Mitchell* 
Alexander McKenzie 
Charles McKenzie 
Francis A. Moore* 
Matthew M. Miller 
William Noble* 
As Nurses In Union Army 
Robert B. Northey* 
James Overton* 
Charles G. Parker 
George R. Rountree 
Alonzo V. Richards 
John J. Richards 
George Richards* 
Alexander S. Robinson* 
Evarts C. Stevens 
J. Dwight Stevens* 
Henry G. Stevens* 
Charles A. Searles* 
John Smale 
Horatio H. Virgin 
Chauncey A. Wilste 
W. Scott Williams 
Elizabeth Bray 
Selena Bray 
Ella Greene 
Emma T. (Meeker) Rumbold*