Abraham B. Bancker to Evert Bancker
Kingston, 31 May 1788 (excerpt)'
. .. Last Evening our Supervisors finished the Canvass of the Ballots
taken at the late Election for Members of Assembly and Delegates for
the Convention, when the following Gentlemen were found to be
Elected to their respective Offices viz.
Votes for the Assembly                Votes for Delegates
John Cantine                893     Governor G. Clinton        1372
Corns. C. Schoonmaker      672     Ebenezer Clarke             1356
Christopher Tappen         625     John Cantine                1339
Johs. G. Hardenbergh        584     Dirck Wynkoop              1058
Nathan Smith                572    Corns. C. Schoonmaker       1045
Ebenezer Clarke            562     Genl. James Clinton          905
I could wish in your next to be informed who are returned for the
City & County, and for Richmond County, and any other that may come
to your Knowledge....
1. RC, Solomon Drowne Collection, Special Collections, John Hay Library, Brown Uni-
versity, Providence, R.I. The letter was addressed to "Evert Bancker Esquire/No. 5 Wall-
Street/New-York/Hond. by J. Gasherie Esqr." It was docketed "recd. this 2 June W Coll.
Brown. Wrote a few lines the 5 June and inclosed in a letter wrote a few days since, with
3 News papers and sent one of the 5 of this day." Abraham B. Bancker was the son of
Evert Bancker.
New York Journal, 3 June 17881
Ulster County, ANTI-FUEDERAL.
Governor Clinton,                     1372
John Cantine,                          1339
Cornelius C. Schoonmaker,             1045
Ebenezer Clark,                       1356
James Clinton,                          905
Dirck Wynkoop,                        1055
FUEDERAL, unsuccessful.
Johannes Bruwyn,                         68
Jacobus S. Bruwyn,                       35
Cornelius T. Jensen,                     29
Ulster County, ANTI-FUEDERAL.
John Cantine,
Christopher Tappen,