Historiography, 1980-1994," William and Mary Quarterly, 3rd ser., 51
(1994), 355-88; Patricia U. Bonomi, "The Middle Colonies: Embryo
of the New Political Order," in Alden T. Vaughan and George Athan
Billias, eds., Perspectives on Early American History: Essays in Honor of Rich-
ard B. Morris (New York, 1973), 63-92; David Maldwyn Ellis, "Recent
Historical Writings on New York Topics," New York History, 63 (1982),
74-96; RobertJ. Gough, "The Myth of the 'Middle Colonies': An Anal-
ysis of Regionalization in Early America," Pennsylvania Magazine of His-
tory and Biography, 107 (1983), 393-419; Douglas Greenberg, "The Mid-
dle Colonies in Recent American Historiography," William and Mary
Quarterly, 3rd ser., 36 (1979), 396-427; Jack P. Greene and J. R. Pole,
eds., Colonial British America: Essays in the New History of the Early Modern
Era (Baltimore, 1984); Milton M. Klein, comp., New York in the American
Revolution: A Bibliography (Albany, 1974); John J. McCusker and Russell
R. Menard, The Economy of British America, 1607-1789. With Supplemen-
tary Bibliography (Chapel Hill, N.C., 1991); Gaspare J. Saladino, "A
Guide to Sources for Studying the Ratification of the Constitution by
New York State," in Stephen L. Schechter, ed., The Reluctant Pillar: New
York and the Adoption of the Federal Constitution (Troy, N.Y, 1985), 118-
47; Saladino, "A Supplement to A Guide to Sources for Studying the
Ratification of the Constitution by New York State,' " in Schechter and
Richard B. Bernstein, eds., New York and the Union: Contributions to the
American Constitutional Experience (Albany, 1990), 351-73; and, Saladino,
"The Bill of Rights: A Bibliographic Essay," in Patrick T. Conley and
John P. Kaminski, eds., The Bill of Rights and the States: The Colonial and
Revolutionary Origins of American Liberties (Madison, Wis., 1992), 461-
514.; Milton Halsey Thomas, comp., Columbia University Officers and
Alumni, 1754-1857 (New York, 1936); and Edgar A. Werner, comp.,
Civil List and Constitutional History of the Colony and State of New York ...
(Albany, 1889). The volumes of Milton M. Klein and Jack P. Greene
and J. R. Pole, in particular, contain references to a host of scholarly
journal articles and unpublished doctoral dissertations that are too nu-
merous to be included in this note. Saladino's articles include sum-
maries of the writings on the adoption and ratification of the Consti-
tution and the origins, proposal, adoption, and ratification of the Bill
of Rights.