second Monday in May next, at Philadelphia, for the sole and express
purpose of revising the articles of Confederation, pursuant to concur-
rent resolutions of both Houses of the Legislature, on the 28th ultimo,
having been read; the House proceeded openly to nominate three Del-
egates for that purpose; and each of the Members present nominated
three persons, as follows, viz.
Mr. Vrooman,             11       1
Mr. C. Livingston,   1      1     1
Mr. Malcom,          1      1     1
Mr. Hamilton,        1      1            1
Mr. Bayard,1                1     1
Mr. Ray,111
Mr. Bancker,         1      1     1
Mr. Denning,         1      1     1
Mr. Brooks,          1      1     1
Mr. Doughty,         1            1            1
Mr. Clark,           1            1      1
Mr. Harper,          1            1            1
Mr. Parker,          1            1            1
Mr. Jones,           1                         1      1
Mr. Wyckoff,         1            1            1
Mr. E. Clark,        1      1     1
Mr. Strang,          1            1            1
Mr. Paine,           1            1            1
Mr. Frey,111
Mr. Crane,1                 1     1
Mr. Savage,0
Mr. Martin,          1      1     1
Mr. Griffen,         1            1            1
Mr. Lockwood,        1      1     1
Mr. Purdy,           1            1            1