Peter Van Gaasbeek to Cornelius C. Schoonmaker
Kingston, 31 March 17881
I was greatly alarm'd this Morning in being enform'd, that A Com-
mittee of Correspondence was establish'd at Poughkeepsie-and that
Colo. Snyder was A Member, that it was agreed if the Governor could
come in for one of the Long Island County's-we should drop him
here-I am sorry to differ in opinion with You-for if the Governor
falls with us, I am fearful that the federal Interest will Prevail inas-
much as to divide our Representation and who knows Perhaps may
Put in one or two Real federals-or such as ought not to be trusted
as much-as an open and avowed fedaralist-the fedaralists of Hurley
have had A Meeting in this Place (at which Meeting Colo. Snyder was
Present-where they Confirm'd the Meeting held at De Groves of
Newburgh-Colo. Snyder was one of the Persons in the Nomina-
tion- (and they declare that is Colo. [Johannis] Hardenberg & Mr
Simon Lefever who calld on him for a decisive answer) that he Colo.
Snyder engaged to Support their List with his influence, since which
as before our first very Meeting, Snyder & Addison, have frequent
Private interviews-and much suspected with us that their original
intention is to Shove Addison in with Snyder and drop some one of
the others-now sir for A Moment behold what may be the Conse-
quence if we Drop the Governor-for I can assure You that our Peo-
ple since my Return from Poughkeepsie-are Representing to them
that it was firmly fixed that the Governor should go in for this County
They are so bent that I am well Convinced if we dont Continue him
that many People will be Cool-and many will suspect A Design or
Trick is intended-this you [Know?] is very easy to imprint on the
Minds of the more Ignorant People-
Mr [Christopher] Tappen and some others with myself this Morn-
ing determin'd to suggest our apprehensions to You by Letter-and
have desired me to Ride out to General Cantine-this Afternoon-
that its our Candid Opinion for the Good of the Cause to Support
our first List, agreed on at Poughkeepsie-that if it can be consistent
that You apprize Mr. Melancton Smith of New York or some other
Good Character of our determination and Press them to drop the
Governor in that Quarter-when all I am well convinc'd will work
Right, if this cant be affected I am decidedly of opinion that we had
notwithstanding best let Our List Rest as it is to Prevent farther Divi-
sions-With the greatest Respect & Esteem-
1. RC, Van Gaasbeek Papers, NKiSH. In his response of 4 April (below), Schoon-
maker states that he received Van Gaasbeek's letter on the evening of 31 March by Mr.
Van Buren.