Adrian Bancker to Evert Bancker
Hermitage, Staten Island, 20 July 17881
Dear Brother
Since my last to you I am favoured with yours of the 10th Instant
Accompanying the News paper of the 8 Instant which did not come to
hand untill the 17th. And last Night I was favoured with yours of Yes-
terdays date2 Inclosing the 2 News papers of the 15th & 18th. Instant
(NB: the paper of the 12th. not come to hand) I feel myself much
Obliged to you for your kind Attention in Communicating the State of
Publick Affairs & those which Relate to our familys I do hereby with
truth assure you, that, yourself Sister & Children are as Near to me, as
those of my immediate household, and feel myself Equally interested
in their Wellfare wherefore Every intelligence I receive gives me great
The last letter I recd. from my Son Abrm. was dated the 12 Instant3
wherein he Complains heavily of the Antifederal Party's Conduct, and
fears they will not come into the Measures of Adopting the Constitution
Recommended by the Grand Convention, But that he intends to stand
Firm and Act Agreeable to the Dictates of Conscience in Dispite of all
I Observe by the Paper of the 18 that the Federal Ship Hamilton is
Launched,4 And that by the last Accts. from Poughkeepsie the final
Answer or Resolve about the Federal Constitution was not yet passed,
if the Antifederals must die they Struggle hard and are Very Obstinate
tho' I hope something will yet be done by our Convention that the
State of New York May not Stand Singular in the Annals of time for
Rejecting that Constitution which the Other States have Adopted, and
in Course must take place
I find that Doctor Crosby is no more it is what has long been Ex-
pected, I hope he is gone happy
I Observe the Grand procession is put of[f] to the 23d I think it a
great Compliment paid the Jews I Do not Expect to Attend myself as my
left leg is much Swelled & painfull at times, being Obliged to Stir and
Stand too much on it all day, and at Night cannot sleep for Pain-
My Wife and Children are thank God in pretty Good health. They talk
about Seeing the Grand Procession, but wether they will go or not is yet
uncertain, they heartily Join with me in Our most Sincere Unfeigned
love and best Wishes towards you Sister Children and Grand Children,
& beg to be Remembered to our Enquiring Relatives & friends,
P.S. I shall be Exceedingly happy to See Evert Bancker Esqr. of New
York, Wall Street at the Hermitage I would receive him as an Affec-