you to favour the public with the whole of the Anti-Federal ticket from
Albany county, together, as I think one of that respectful nomination
(who has very near double the number of votes for convention, than
the highest number of the Federal ticket, for the city and county of
New-York amounts to) very much disgraced in having his name placed
at the bottom of the Federal ticket in your paper of yesterday. The sit-
uation is rather degrading as no real patriot can possibly acquire either
credit or reputation by being connected with those, who, at this crisis,
stile themselves the well-born. You may also assure the public (notwith-
standing Mr. Q's assertion) that only one of the members for convention
from Richmond county is federal, and even that one declares himself
open to conviction, which by the buy is not the character of a fed.
New-York, June 6th 1788.
rm The above shall be inserted on Monday next.
1. For "Q.," New York Journal, 6 June, see City and County of New York Elections
John Myers to James Duane
Duanesburg, 23 June 1788 (excerpt)'
. .. hope you will Lett me know a Lettel how our present Plan the
New Constitution Comes on as I am Sure that I have had a good Dele
of trubel for mr Cuyler in behalfe of the Same Not to my profit thow
he knows I am allways to Serve him whean i think it for good a Number
of our Settelers went to Scancantay to vote in the Last Election as I am
informd and theam and the most that went to Schohare was Antefead-
eral Electors ...
1. RC, Duane Papers, NHi.