Election Returns
New York Journal, 5-12 June 1788
5 June 1788
We have not received a particular return of the members of CON-
VENTION for Washington county (which completes the returns for the
state) but it is confidently said, the anti-federal ticket will be carried by
at least two to one on the whole number of votes. Washington county
sends four members.
7 June 17882
We are informed, that the republican antifederal ticket for Members
of Assembly in Washington county has prevailed, and that Alexander
Webster, Joseph M'Crackers, Edward Savage and Peter B. Tierse, Es-
quires are elected. We have not yet heard who are chosen in the con-
vention for that county, but it is supposed that the antifederal ticket
will be carried by a respectable majority.
12 June 1788 (excerpts)3
Last Thursday's paper4 contained all the returns, from     the several
counties in the state, for members of CONVENTION, except Washing-
ton-since which-
We are informed, that the anti-federal ticket for members of conven-
tion in Washington and Clinton counties has carried the day, and that
Messrs. Hopkins, Williams, Baker and Parker are duly chosen....
All the members for ASSEMBLY were also inserted last Thursday,
except from the counties of Orange, Kings, and Washington, which, we
are informed, are as follow, viz....
WASHINGTON, Anti-Federal,-Alexander Webster, Joseph M'Crackers,
Edward Savage, Peter B. Tierse.
1. Reprinted: Pennsylvania Packet, 10 June; Providence United States Chronicle, 12 June;
Newport Mercury, 16 June; North Carolina Wilmington Centinel, 2 July. The Country journal,
10 June, noted only that "We have not been informed who are the members for Wash-
ington county."
2. Reprinted (without the names of the four assemblymen): Newport Mercury, 16 June;
Providence Gazette, 21 June.
3. Reprinted: Hudson Weekly Gazette and Philadelphia Independent Gazetteer, 17 June;
Philadelphia Freeman's journal (second paragraph only) and Pennsylvania Journal, 18 June;
Pennsylvania Packet, 19 June; Lansingburgh Federal Herald, 23 June (second paragraph
4. See New York Journal, 5 June (above).