Jacob C. Ten Eyck,
John R. Bleecker
Gerrit Lansing, jun.
Cornelius K Van Den Berg,
Abraham Yates, jun.
Gysbert Fonda,
Cornelius Wendell,
Volkert A. Douw,
Abraham Cuyler,
Henry Ten Eyck,
Henry Wendell,
Peter W. Douw,
Wm. Mancius,

Robert Lansing,
John Price,
Arie Lagrange,
Henry Lansing,
Jacob G. Lansing,
John W. Wendell,
Abm. Bloodgood,
Gysbert Marselus,
Peter W. Yates
Dirk B. Van Schoonhoven,
Jacob Roseboom,
Richard Lush,
Peter Sharp.

1. Broadside (Evans 45215); probably printed by Charles R. Webster. Reprinted: New York
journal, 26 April. The broadside listed in Evans (located at the Wisconsin Historical Society)
is damaged and partly illegible. A better copy is located at the Rome, N.Y, Historical Society.
A photostat of this broadside is at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park. For a point-
by-point response to this circular, see Albany Federal Committee, An Impartial Address, c. 20
April (below). In response to the Albany Antifederalists' burning of the Constitution on 4
July, Albany Federalists burned a copy of this Anti-Federal Committee Circular. See Fourth
of July Celebrations: Albany, New Jersey Brunswick Gazette, 22 July (RCS: N.Y, 1274-75).
2. For the nomination of this list of candidates, see the Albany Anti-Federal Committee
Circular, 15 March (above).
3. Exodus 5:6-19.
4. Article VII, the last article of the Constitution, provided that after nine state con-
ventions ratified the Constitution, it was to go into effect "between the States so ratifying
the Same."
5. See "New York and the Massachusetts Convention's Amendments to the Constitu-
tion," 6 February (RCS:N.Y, 751-54).
New York Daily Advertiser, 10 April 1788
Mr. PRINTER, If you think the following Extract of sufficient impor-
tance to the public, you are at liberty to insert it. It is a true copy of
the original, verbatim & literatim.'
Extract of a letter, dated Albany, April 3, 1788, to a Gentleman in New-York.
"Antifederal measures stands well with us and if we do not relax in
our duty there is all hopes that we may carry the day. Altho' the un-
remitted exertions that is made by the better sort of people, how stands
matters with you in New-York, let me have a line on the subject. We
are in close action from morning to night so that little time is spent
with me on any other subject
I am yrs. &c J- V- R-          "2
1. Latin: "Word for word and letter for letter."
2. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, chairman of the Albany Anti-Federal Committee.