impostor, and his associates, to their everlasting disappointment, there
is still a sufficiency of virtue remaining ina vast majority of the citizens
of this county of Dutchess not only, but we trust in the State at large,
to refuse the gilded pill proffered in this newly fangled constitution-
never a time more proper than the present for the recollection of the
motto which the United Netherlands adopted, when they combined to
oppose the tyranny and insidious machinations of their public as well
as intestine enemies-their ensigns waved as well as lips and hearts
pronounced and entertained this sentiment, "Unite or die."
Poughkeepsie, 7th March, 1788.
1. See "Many Antifederalists," Country Journal, 4 March (above).
Federalists Call for a Meeting to Nominate Candidates
Poughkeepsie Country Journal, 18 March 17881
A meeting is requested, at the house of Timothy Bedle in the Nine-
Partners, on the second Tuesday in April next [i.e., 8 April], of those
of the Electors in this County, whose convenience will permit them to
attend, and who are persuaded that it will, preferable to any other
alternative, be for the peace and interest of the Community to ratify
the new Constitution in its present form; and then, if it shall be deemed
necessary, to suggest propositions of amendment, confiding that such,
as may be proper, will be adopted, in a mode agreeable to the provi-
sions, for amending, contained in the Constitution itself.-The design
of the meeting, is to agree on the persons to be proposed as Candidates
at the election for Delegates to the Convention.
Poughkeepsie, March 17th, 1788.
1. The men who called for the nomination meeting were all Dutchess County legis-
lators. Hoffman was a state senator for the Middle District, while the other three were
assemblymen. For the nominations and address of this meeting, see "Federalist Meeting
in Nine Partners," 8 April (below).
Poughkeepsie Country Journal, 18 March 17881
To the Opposers of the New CONSTITUTION in Dutchess County.
Permit a fellow citizen, who has your welfare most sincerely at heart,
to address you on a subject of the utmost moment to your freedom
and happiness-a fellow citizen, who has considered with the deepest