
* Vol. 1, p. xii-Fourteenth line should be "27 March-27 December 1788"
* Vol. 1, p. lxix, and Vol. 2, p. xxxi-The entry for 4 May 1776 should begin:
"Legislature renounces allegiance to King George III and"
* Vol. 1, p. lxxii, and Vol. 2, p. xxxiv-The entry for 6 March 1790 should
read: "Convention sends bill of rights and proposed amendments"
* Vol. 1, p. lxxiii, and Vol. 2, p. xxxv-The entry for 21 April-i May 1790
should read: "R.I.'s bill of rights and proposed amendments"
* p. 21-At the end of the top paragraph on the page add: "A draft of this
letter is in Letters Sent by the Governor, Vol. 4, no. 74, R-Ar."
* p. 23-Add this new paragraph at the end of footnote one: "Other manu-
script copies of the protest are in Letters Sent by the Governor, Vol. 4, no. 74,
R-Ar, and Rhode Island Records, Vol. 13, pp. 413-14, R-Ar. The protest was also
printed in the General Assembly Schedule, September 1787 session (Provi-
dence, 1787) (Evans 20684), 14-15."
* p. 63-In the fourth line after December add: "and Pennsylvania Packet, 14
* p. 65-In the second paragraph of footnote 1, RCS:Pa., 216-23, instead of
* p. 152-"Thomas Allen" instead of "Thomas Alten," "Matthew Allen"
instead of "Matthew Alten," "Joseph Allen" instead of "Joseph Alten."
* p. 153-"Samuel Allen" instead of "Samuel Alten."
* p. 156-"Daniel Commins" instead of "Daniel Commin."
* p. 161-"Jeremiah Amesberry" instead of "Jeremiah Amsbury."
* p. 165-"Samuel Gorton" instead of "Samuel Gorten."
* p. 168-"Asabel Stone" instead of "Asahel Stone."
* p. 188-'John Allen" instead of "John Aliu."
* p. 202-'Jabes Ralph" instead of "Jabez Relph."
* p. 209-"Michael Macomber" instead of "Mihael Macomber."
* p. 211-"Nathan Bardine" instead of "Nathan Barton."
* p. 215-'James Converse" instead of "James Convis."
* p. 280-Line 5 should be "an annual income [i.e., interest] of £99,000."
* p. 313-In the William Ellery biographical entry, line 5: Ellery attended
Congress in "1776-80, 1781-82, 1783-85" not "1776-85."
* p. 594-"Robt. N: Auchmerty" instead of "Robt. N: Amchmerty" and "Mo-
ses Seixas" instead of "Moses Seikas."
* p. 607-Add the following in footnote one at the end of the first para-
graph: "The New York Journal, 7 May 1790, reprinted the letter from the Mon-
tego Bay, Jamaica, Cornwall Chronicle of 21 November 1789 (which had reprinted
it from the Newport Mercury).."