
Acknowledgments                                                          xv
Organization                                                            xvii
Editorial Procedures                                                     xx
General Ratification Chronology, 1786-1791                              xxi
Calendar for the Years 1787-1790                                        xxiv
Symbols                                                                 xxvi
Rhode Island Chronology, 1772-1790                                     xxix
Officers of the State of Rhode Island                                  xxxiv
20 January-29 May 1790
Introduction                                                            711
Newport Mercury, 20 January 1790                                        714
Newport Herald, 21 January 1790                                         715
Theodore Foster to Dwight Foster, Providence, 22 January 1790           715
Philadelphia Federal Gazette, 1 February 1790                           716
William Ellery to Benjamin Huntington, Newport, 2 February 1790         716
Moses Brown to Isaac Lawton, Jacob Mott, and Sampson Sherman
Providence, 4 February 1790                                          717
Newport Herald, 4 February 1790                                         718
Providence Gazette, 6 February 1790                                     719
Antoine de la Forest to Comte de la Luzerne, New York, 10 February 1790  720
Alpha, Providence United States Chronicle, 11 February 1790             720
William Peck to Henry Knox, Providence, 15 February 1790                722
Newport Mercury, 15 February 1790                                       722
A Friend to the State of Rhode-Island, Newport Herald, 18 February 1790  723
A Freeholder, Newport Herald, 18 February 1790                          727
Newport Herald, 18 February 1790                                        730
New York Daily Advertiser, 20 February 1790                             731
A Freeholder, Newport Herald, 25 February 1790                          731
Greenwichiensis, Newport Herald, 25 February 1790                       734
Newport Herald, 25 February 1790                                        736
Newport Herald, 25 February 1790                                        736
Solon, junior, Providence United States Chronicle, 25 February 1790     737
Providence United States Chronicle, 25 February 1790                    740
John Adams to Jabez Bowen, New York, 27 February 1790                   743
Samuel A. Otis to William Smith, New York, 27 February 1790             743
Solon, junior, Providence Gazette, 27 February 1790                     744
From Caleb Strong, New York, pre-28 February 1790                       747
John Adams to Brown & Francis, New York, 28 February 1790               747
John Adams to William Ellery, New York, 28 February 1790                748
Caleb Strong to Theodore Foster, New York, 28 February 1790             749
Richard Bassett to George Read, New York, 1 March 1790                  749
Solon, junior, Providence United States Chronicle, 4 March 1790         750
