SHEARMAN, SAMUEL (Portsmouth), 191*
SHEARMAN, THOMAS (Portsmouth), 699
SHEARMANY, EBENEZER (Newport). See Sher-
man, Ebenezer
SHEFFIELD, EDMOND (New Shoreham), 186*
SHEFFIELD, JOSEPH (Charlestown), 155*
SHEFFIELD, THOMAS (Charlestown), 155*
SHELDON, AUGUSTUS (Richmond), 200*
SHELDON, BENJAMIN (Smithfield), 205*
SHELDON, ISAAC (South Kingstown), 207*
SHELDON, JAMES (Cranston), 159*
SHELDON, JAMES (Richmond-N), 200,* 446;
id., 913n; on committee examining refer-
endum votes, 233; on committee to draft in-
structions to deputies, 446; on committee to
make out Richmond's accounts, 704; drafts
instructions for delegates to RI Convention,
703-4; in House of Deputies, 127, 130; as
member of Providence Abolition Society,
933n; votes against calling state convention,
-in RI Convention, 704, 905; on committee
to draft amendments, 936; motions of, 911,
939; speeches of, 939, 940, 951, 957, 958;
votes, 705n, 976, 996
SHELDON, JEREMIAH (Johnston), 174*
SHELDON, NEHEMIAH (Johnston), 174*
SHELDON, NICHOLAS (Cranston), 160*
SHELDON, NICHOLAS, JR. (Cranston), 159*
SHELDON, PARDON (Cranston), 160*
SHELDON, PARDON (Providence): captain of
ship Warren, 1019
SHELDON, POTTER (Richmond), 201*
SHELDON, REMINGTON (Cranston), 160*
SHELDON, ROGER (Exeter), 165*
SHELDON, STEPHEN (Cranston), 160*
SHELDON, WILLIAM (Richmond), 200*
SHERBURNE, HENRY (Newport), 594; as justice
of the peace, 501n; as RI deputy secretary,
23, 122, 234, 236n; seeks federal office, 753;
signs freemasons' address to Washington,
1061; and Washington's visit to RI, 1073
-letters from, 682, 753-54; cited, 682n, 768,
-letter to, cited, 753
SHERMAN. See Shearman
SHERMAN, ABNER (Tiverton), 209*
SHERMAN, DANIEL (Tiverton), 209*
SHERMAN, EBER (North Kingstown), 188,* 443
SHERMAN, HENRY (North Kingstown), 188*
SHERMAN, JOHN (North Kingstown), 188*
SHERMAN, LOTT (Tiverton), 210*
SHERMAN, NATHANIEL J. (North Kingstown),

SHERMAN, RICHARD (Tiverton), 209*
SHERMAN, ROGER (Conn.), 58, 1038; as A Citi-
zen of New Haven, 513n; as Federalist
leader, 543; proposed that amendments
should be printed at end of Constitution,
575n-76n; requested by William Ellery to
lobby on his behalf for federal office, 597;
as US representative, 597n, 752, 753n
-letter from, 512-13
SHERMAN, SAMPSON (Portsmouth), 718
-letters to, 717-18; cited, 696n, 719
SHERMAN, SAMPSON (Tiverton), 209*
SHERMAN, SILAS (North Kingstown), 187*
SHERMAN, STEPHEN (North Kingstown), 188*
SHIPBUILDING, 462, 463n, 466, 812; commerce
in RI enables, 729; praise of, 1052; in RI suf-
fers out of Union, 825, 826; Washington in-
spects Indiaman, 1067, 1074, 1076
SHIPPEE, JOSEPH (Glocester), 169*
SHIPPEE, THOMAS (Smithfield), 204*
SHIPPENSBURG, PA.: RI ratification toasted in,
SHIPPIE, THOMAS, JR. (East Greenwich), 163*
SHOPKEEPERS: of Providence in procession
honoring Washington, 1066
SHORT,JAMES (Warren), 211*
SHORT, JOHN (Barrington), 152*
- letter to, quoted, 855n
SIMMONS, AARON (Little Compton), 176*
SIMMONS, ABILL (Little Compton), 175*
SIMMONS, ABNER (Tiverton), 210*
SIMMONS, ADAM (Little Compton), 175*
SIMMONS, CALEB (Little Compton), 176*
SIMMONS, GEORGE (Little Compton), 83, 176*
SIMMONS, GIDEON (Little Compton), 175*
SIMMONS, ICHABOD (Tiverton), 210*
SIMMONS, ISAAC (Little Compton), 175*
SIMMONS, JOHN (Little Compton), 176*
SIMMONS, NATHANIEL (Little Compton), 175*
SIMMONS, PELEG, JR. (Tiverton), 208*
SIMMONS, WILLIAM (Little Compton), 175*
SIMMONS, ZARAH (Little Compton), 176*
SISSION, RODMAN (Richmond), 200*
SISSON, ELISHA (Westerly), 215*
SISSON, GEORGE (blacksmith) (Portsmouth),
SISSON, GEORGE (Portsmouth), 191*
SISSON, GEORGE (Warren), 211*
SISSON, GEORGE (Westerly), 214*
SISSONJAMES (Warren), 211*
SISSONJOB (Portsmouth), 191*
SISSON, JONATHAN (Westerly), 214*
SISSONJOSEPH (Portsmouth), 191,* 699