be justified by reason and truth." There is, in this preparatory lecture,
little that is necessary to be dwelt on just now; and if Cato had not
possessed his future investigations, in such terms as wore a questionable
shape, they should have passed unheeded.
Cato tells us that he will not directly engage as an advocate, for this new
form of Government-or as an opponent. Here Cato, without any dis-
pute, acts prudently. It will be wise in him to rest a while; since he has
given a preface, which, with small address, can easily be made to work
on either side. When the sentiments of the Confederated States come
to be generally known, it will be time enough to proceed-Cato will
then start fair. A little caution, however, he thinks necessary to be given
in the mean time. "Do not" says this prudent Censor, in addressing
the Citizens, "because you admit that something must be done, adopt
any thing." What, in the name of common sense, does this injunction
import? I appeal to men of understanding, whether it is not obviously
the language of distrust, calculated, as far as such a thing can influence,
to prejudice the public opinion against the New Constitution; and, in
effect, by a periphrastic mode of speech, recommending the rejection
of it?- "Teach the Members of the Convention (Cato very modestly goes
on) that you are capable of a supervision of their conduct; the same
medium that gave you this system, if it is erroneous, while the door is
now open, can make amendments, or give you another." 0 excellent
thought, and happily advised! Be clamorous, my friends-be discon-
tented-assert your prerogative-for ever assert the power and Majesty
of the People! ! !-I am not willing to suspect any man's intentions, when
they aim at giving information; but when they come abroad, couched
in such magisterial terms, I own I feel some indignation. If this dema-
gogue had talents to throw light on the subject of Legislation, why did
he not offer them when the Convention was in session? If they had
been judged useful, no doubt they would have been attended to. But
is this now a time for such insinuations? Has not the wisdom of America
been drawn, as it were, into a focus, and the proffered Constitution
sent forth with an unanimity, that is unequalled in ancient or modern
story? And shall we now wrangle and find fault with that excellent Whole,
because, perhaps, some of its parts might have been more perfect?-
There is neither virtue nor patriotism in such conduct. Besides, how
can Cato say, "That the door is now open to receive any amendments,
or to give us another Constitution, if required. ["] I believe he has ad-
vanced this without proper authority. I am inclined to believe that the
door of recommendation is shut, and cannot be opened by the same men; that
the Convention, in one word, is dissolved: if so, we must reject, IN TOTO,