that Antifederalist leaders found necessary to keep all sections of Ulster County satisfied
so as to present a united front against their Federalist opponents. For a reference to an
early ticket of candidates for the Convention sent by Van Gaasbeek to Bruyn, see Van
Gaasbeek to Bruyn, 12 March (above).
2. See Kingston Antifederalist Circular, 21 April (above).
3. The town of Montgomery in Ulster County, not Montgomery County.
4. Schoonmaker and Bruyn lived in the town of Shawangunk, and Galatian lived in
the adjoining town of Montgomery.
New York Daily Advertiser, 7 May 17881
Extract of a letter from a Gentleman in Kingston, Ulster County, dated the
1st May, 1788.
"I have the pleasure to inform you, that though the Federalists in
this county stand no chance to put in Federal Delegates for the Con-
vention, they are more numerous than imagined; I am informed that
there are at least four districts in favor of the New Constitution."
1. Reprinted: New York Packet, 9 May; Pennsylvania Mercury, 13 May; Massachusetts Cen-
tinel, 14 May; Country Journal and Hudson Weekly Gazette, 20 May; Charleston Columbian
Herald, 5 June. For a response, see "A Plain Truth," Daily Advertiser, 9 May (immediately
A Plain Truth
New York Daily Advertiser, 9 May 1788
Mr. CHILDS, Observing in your Paper of last Wednesday, a publica-
tion, under the New-York head, as an extract of a letter from a gentle-
man in Kingston, Ulster county, of the 1st instant,' wherein the writer
observes to his correspondent, "That though the Federalists stand no
chance to put in Federal Delegates to the Convention, they are more
numerous than imagined;" and that he was "informed that there are at
least four districts in favour of the Constitution." I must beg leave to
assure you, and the public, that no such assertion can with honor or
truth be supported, and the gentleman does well to say that he was so
informed, as he never could, from his own knowledge, give his friend here
such information; and if the writer of the above extract is an inhabitant
of Ulster county, he must well know that no other partyship attended
the election than the electors vying with one another who should chuse
the most worthy characters, to oppose the adoption of the new pro-
posed Constitution; and that not a single district in the county have
held out any other characters. Perhaps the author may blush to find
his assertion contradicted, but he will at the same time know it to be
May 7, 1788.
1. See Daily Advertiser, 7 May (immediately above).