Newspaper Report of Convention Proceedings, 5 March 1790
Newport Herald, 11 March 1790 (excerpt) 1
... FRIDAY-the committee reported a Bill of Rights and Amend-
ments, the report being amended, it was moved that the Bill of Rights
should be approved of by the Convention; but this was objected to by
the opposers of the Constitution, altho' the committee who formed
them, were generally of this description, and the necessity of these
rights being defined, had been frequently urged:-The Federalists
openly avowed their assent to them, and their wish that they might
have the sanction of the Convention; they charged their opposers with
inconsistency in their conduct, that they had excited fears in the peo-
ple, because the rights that were retained to them, were not declared
in the Constitution, and now when they had opportunity to establish
them, they refused their assent:-But no observations however just; no
reflections however galling to their feeling, and degrading to their con-
duct, could make them deviate from a predetermined resolution, of
coming to no vote upon the Bill which they had framed themselves
and contended was necessary....
1. Reprinted: Boston Gazette, 29 March. For other portions of this item, see the news-
paper reports of the Convention proceedings for 2-3 March (above) and 6 March (be-
The Rhode Island Convention
6 March 1790
Convention Proceedings, 6 March 1790
The House then met according to adjournme[n]t
Present as yesterday-
The house then further Proceeded on the report of the Comtee the
Bill of rights and Am[endmen]ts to the Proposed Constitution.-
The house adjourned to 3 oclock P.M.
House met accordingly-
moved 4byMr.Elisha Brown The following Motion was made by Mr.
Merchant and seconded by Mr. Bourne (viz.) "Resolved" that this Con-