for US Congress, 734; RI will pay little in
Union, 572, 1089; RI willing to give Confed-
eration Congress power to levy an impost,
258; RI's calling of convention should pro-
tect from congressional measures against
the state, 681; toast to faithful maintenance
of system of, 1068, 1075, 1076; unfair in
West Greenwich, RI, 763-64; will increase if
RI delays entering Union, 733, 746. See also
Debt, U.S.; Duties; Requisitions
-direct taxes: amendment that they be ap-
portioned by value of property, 834; under
Articles of Confederation, 948n; fear of
need to levy on land, 885; land tax necessary
if RI does not ratify, 962; opposition to, 965;
prohibited in RI proposed amendments
without consent of three-quarters of states,
980, 1001, 1022; prohibited without requi-
sition, 218, 1000, 1001; will not be levied on
land, 1089-90; will only be apportioned
among states, 931
-Tonnage Act (20July 1789), 574n, 655n; ap-
plicability to RI questioned, 589; compared
to the Intolerable Acts (Boston Port Bill),
592; economic effects on RI, 581, 583; Fed-
eralists in RI disproportionately harmed by,
535, 573, 586, 589, 591, 729; foreign duties
will harm RI if not suspended, 575, 677; RI
removed from Union by, 591; RI should be
exempted from on legal grounds, 583-84,
589; seaport towns petition Congress for ex-
emption from, 586
TAYLER, BENJAMIN (Scituate), 202*
TAYLOR, GIDEON (Little Compton), 175*
TAYLOR, JOHN (Mass., R.I.): id., 821n; Anti-
federal activities in RI, 566, 821, 821n; de-
nial of acquiescence to ratification in Mass.,
566, 566n; favors RI ratification, 731, 731n
TAYLOR, JONATHAN (Little Compton), 175*
TAYLOR, JOSEPH (North Kingstown), 188*
TAYLOR, JUDE (Westerly), 214*
TAYLOR, NATHANIEL (Little Compton), 175*
TAYLOR, PHILIP (Little Compton), 175*
TAYLOR, REUBEN (Portsmouth), 190*
TAYLOR, ROBERT (Little Compton), 175*
TAYLOR, ROBERT (Newport), 179, 185
TAYLOR, THOMAS (Westerly), 214*
TAYLOR, WILLIAM (South Kingstown), 207*
TEFFT, BENJAMIN (Richmond), 201*
TEFFT, CALEB (South Kingstown), 206*
TEFFT, CLARKE (Richmond), 201*
TEFFT, DANIEL, III (South Kingstown), 207*
TEFFT, EBENEZER (South Kingstown), 206*
TEFFT, GARDNER (South Kingstown), 206*

TEFFT, ISRAEL (Smithfield), 205*
TEFFT, JAMES (Smithfield), 204*
TEFFT, JAMES (South Kingstown), 207*
TEFFT, JOHN (Exeter), 164*
TEFFT, JOHN (Westerly), 215*
TEFFT, JOSEPH (Richmond), 201*
TEFFT, PETER (Smithfield), 204*
TEFFT, RUFUS (North Providence), 190*
TEFFT, SAMUEL (Scituate), 203*
TEFFT, SAMUEL, II (Richmond), 201*
TEFFT, TABOR (Richmond), 201*
TEFFT, TENNANT (South Kingstown), 206*
TEFFT, TENNANT, JR. (South Kingstown), 206*
TEFFT, THOMAS (Richmond), 200,* 446, 704
TEMPLE, SIR JOHN (England), 401, 418-19,
422n, 432, 433; id., 402n
TENDER LAWS, 576; Constitution will destroy,
252, 716; Constitution's prohibition of
praised, 65; of Mass. not extended, 277,
-tender provision of RI paper-money act:
criticism of, 65, 252, 260, 476; elements of,
xxx; few debtors take advantage of under
paper-money act, xxxiii; maintained in RI,
551, 552; majority in RI support, 256; mod-
ified, 859, 859n; obstacle to ratification in
RI, 542, 554; Providence petition for repeal
of, 467-68, 469-70, 496, 498, 503; remains
intact, xl, 452, 455, 471, 473, 496, 510, 541,
559; repeal of, xxxii, xxxix, 450, 455, 464,
505, 544, 553-54, 564, 576, 612, 662, 662-
63n; repeal of a harbinger of ratification,
634; RI towns to give instructions on, 457,
471-72, 473; strengthened, xxxiii; support-
ers of will never ratify Constitution, 256; sus-
pended, 640, 640n; unjust in RI, 80-81, 390,
452-53; will be repealed, 720. See also Paper
TERRY, SILAS (Exeter), 165*
TERRY, WILLIAM (Exeter), 166*
TEST ACT: defeated by RI towns, xxxii; de-
fined, xxxii, 319
TEW, RICHARD (Jamestown), 173*
THATCHER, GEORGE (Maine): id., 385n
-letters to, 385-86n, 406, 885-86n, 1090-91
THATCHER, THOMAS (Mass.): id., 1091n
-letter from, 1090-91
-letter to, 751
THAYER, SILAS (Glocester), 168*
THAYER, SIMEON (Providence), 720-21; id,
THOMAS, ALEXANDER (Portsmouth), 190*
THOMAS, GEORGE (North Kingstown), 187*