"AN INDEPENDENT ELECTOR," 455; texts of,
383-85, 465-66, 689
INDIANS: danger from, 85, 103, 222, 741; in-
ferior to civilized man, 103; lax government
of is deprecated, 104; possible treaty with in
Northwest Territory, 418
INDICTMENTS: amendment guaranteeing by a
grand jury, 219, 1083
INDUSTRIOUSNESS: exclusion from Union will
animate, 734; of farmers, 729; good govern-
ment makes subjects industrious, 1052; im-
portance of in making good citizens, 387;
lost, 342-43; needed for prosperity, 1052;
toasted in Providence, 299; will be restored
under Constitution, 109, 257, 715, 1058,
1080. See also Virtue
INGRAHAM, JEREMIAH (Bristol), 154*
INGRAHAM, SIMEON (Bristol), 154*
INMAN, DAVID (Glocester), 167*
INMAN, ELISHA (Glocester), 167*
INMAN, JEREMIAH (Cumberland), 161*
INMAN,JOHN (Glocester), 168*
INMAN, OBADIAH (Glocester), 168*
INMAN, STEPHEN (Cumberland), 161*
INSTALLMENT ACTS, 647; SC might alter, 268,
INSTRUCTIONS: authorized for town meetings
to give to deputies concerning state conven-
tion, 125; Cranston instructs deputies to use
bestjudgment in absence of specific instruc-
tions, 481; have favorable impact in RI
House of Deputies, 507; majority of RI
towns instruct deputies not to call state con-
vention, 634, 639, 648, 649-50; from NH
towns to reject Constitution, 109, 110; peo-
ple should offer their deputies in town
meetings, 151; RI House of Magistrates re-
quests to see instructions sent to deputies by
towns, 665-66n, 669-70; towns instruct
deputies to vote for and against reappor-
tionment in House of Deputies, 127. See also
Individual towns
in response to Providence Fourth of July
1788 celebration, 285-308n, 365, 567; Ar-
ticles of Confederation provide inadequate
protection against, 291, 740; Constitution
protects against, 86, 103, 868, 1051; as dem-
ocratic failure, 303; in England, 292; RI
Antifederalists predict in other states, 752;
Shays's Rebellion as example of, 86;
threaten RI, 761; tranquility is goal of gov-
ernment, 1025; will aggravate party spirit,

303. See also Celebrations; Civil war; Shays's
Rebellion; Tranquility, domestic; Violence
INTEREST GROUPS: all should be represented
in virtuous democracy, 784-85; Constitu-
tion creates efficient federal government ac-
commodated to, 57, 94; danger of private
interests prevailing, 228; divide over RI pa-
per money, 874-75; interests should be
avoided when making political decisions,
768; men's actions governed by their inter-
ests, 116, 245, 557, 766, 815-17, 867, 926;
praise for compromises among in Consti-
tutional Convention, 293; put issues behind
them and have good debate, 27-28; self-
interest should be avoided, 414; self-
interested persons spread false rumors
about RI rejection, 873; will be represented
in a state convention, 129, 131. See also Fac-
tions; Farmers; Human nature; Mechanics;
Merchants; Party spirit; Quakers; Sailors
INTERESTS: states ought to be governed solely
by, 735. See also Human nature
alists, 266, 267n, 549, 748-49
INVASION, FOREIGN: Articles of Confederation
provide inadequate protection against, 740;
Constitution protects against, 103, 1051,
1063; government protects against, 546; RI
endangered by, 546. See also Habeas corpus,
writ of; War
IRELAND, 115, 253n, 821
IRISH, GEORGE (Middletown), 177*
IRISH, THOMAS (Little Compton), 176*
IRONS, JEREMIAH, JR. (Glocester), 169*
ISAACKS, JACOB (Newport): and desalinization
of ocean water, 1060
IZARD, RALPH (S.C.), 838, 841, 842, 843, 844
JACKSON, JAMES (Ga.): id., 534n; in US House
of Representatives, 533-34, 548n, 850, 851
JACKSON, WILLIAM (Pa.): accompanies Wash-
ington to RI, 1054, 1056, 1074, 1076
JAKWAY, Amos (West Greenwich), 217*
JAMES, DAVIS (Richmond), 201*
JAMES, EDWARD (Richmond), 200*
JAMES, EZEKIEL (Richmond), 200*
JAMES, GEORGE (Richmond), 200*
JAMES, JAMES (Richmond), 200*
JAMES, JOSEPH (Exeter), 165*
JAMES, SILAS (North Kingstown), 187*