The President in the morning and after dinner, walked in several
parts of the town, to the great satisfaction of the people, who looked
with unceasing pleasure on THE MAN.
On Wednesday morning the committee from the town, the Rev.
Clergy, and the Society of Free Masons, respectively presented Addresses
to the President.
To the PRESIDENT of the United States of America.
SIR, Impressed with the liveliest sentiments of gratitude and affec-
tion, the citizens of Newport salute you on your arrival in this State,
and wish to express their joy on this interesting occasion.
The present circumstances of this town forbid some of those dem-
onstrations of gratitude and respect, which the citizens of our sister
States have displayed on a similar occasion; yet we rejoice in this op-
portunity of tendering (to your Excellency) the richest offering which
a free people can make-hearts sincerely devoted to you, and to the
government over which you preside.
We anticipate with pleasing expectation the happy period when, un-
der the auspicious government of the United States, our languishing
commerce shall revive, and our losses be repaired-when commerce
at large shall expand her wings in every quarter of the globe, and arts,
manufactures and agriculture be carried to the highest pitch of im-
May kind Providence long continue your invaluable life, and in the
progressive advancement of the United States, in opulence, order and
felicity, may you realize the most glorious prospect which humanity can
exhibit to an enlightened and benevolent legislator; and when you shall
cease to be mortal, may you be associated to the most perfect society
in the realms above, and receive that retribution for your disinterested
and extensive services, which the JUDGE of all the earth will bestow on
the friends of piety, virtue and mankind.
(Done at a meeting of the Freemen of the Town of Newport held
the 16th day of August AD 1790)
By Order,
H. MARCHANT, Moderator.
(Peleg Barker junior Town Clerk)
To the FREEMEN of the Town of Newport.
GENTLEMEN, I receive with emotions of satisfaction the kind address
of the citizens of Newport on my arrival in this State.