602; will be forced to pay as foreigners, 419,
420, 468, 473, 480, 482-83, 487, 493-94,
494-95, 511, 513-14, 514, 516, 533, 536,
537, 541, 570-71, 607-8, 609, 610n, 611,
641-42, 654, 665n, 706, 707, 708, 726, 742,
748, 764, 792, 794, 795, 796, 799, 801, 808-
9, 826, 837-55, 873, 876n, 878, 896, 960,
DWILLEY, DANIEL (Tiverton), 208*
DYE, DANIEL (Richmond), 201*
DYER, CHARLES (Cranston), 160*
DYER, JOHN (Cranston), 159*
DYER,JOHN,JR. (Cranston), 159*
DYER, JONATHAN (Hopkinton), 172*
DYER, SAMUEL (Johnston), 173*
DYER, SAMUEL (North Kingstown), 189*
DYER, STEPHEN (Cranston), 160*
DYRE, GEORGE (West Greenwich), 216*
DYRE, WILLIAM (South Kingstown), 206*
EARLE, WILLIAM (Providence), 889
EAST GREENWICH, R.I.: celebrates anniversary
of independence and ratification by nine
states, 344-45; celebrates RI ratification,
1016-17; celebrates Va. ratification, 345;
considers NYcircular letter and second con-
stitutional convention, 438-40n; defeated
as location for second session of RI Conven-
tion, 968; deputies from, lxxvii; Federalist
meeting in to agree on prox, 777, 778, 789;
instructs deputies against calling state con-
vention, 622-23, 663-64; RI Convention
delegates from, 904; town meetings, 47,
663-64; vote on referendum on Constitu-
tion, 162-64,* 225, 233; will petition US
Congress for protection, 495. See also Sea-
port towns
EASTERN STATES: are highly Federalist, 60. See
also New England
EASTON, EDWARD (Middletown), 177*
EASTON, ESEK (North Providence). See Eston,
EASTON, NICHOLAS (Middletown), 177*
ERATION: Congress blamed for, 274; dis-
tressed, 83, 119, 145, 222, 342-43, 351, 557,
660, 714, 783, 785; faith lost between man
and man, 498; government lacks funds to
operate, 274, 291; no means of requiring
states to pay national debt, 750; should not
have expected prosperity immediately follow-
ing war, 1051-52; will deteriorate without rat-
ification, 547, 548, 565. See also Anarchy;

Commerce; General welfare; Happiness; Po-
litical conditions under the Confederation
-and Rhode Island: creditors powerless in,
557; distress attributed to for rejecting Im-
post of 1781, xxviii; hard times for, xxviii,
xxix, 594, 717, 746n, 794; will flourish if it
rejects Constitution, 418, 419
TUTION: RI will suffer outside of Union, 421,
488, 673, 706, 724, 767, 796, 823, 824-25,
966, 971, 975; will improve, 41, 59, 102-3,
119, 145-46, 256-57, 257, 263, 282, 283n,
351, 352, 373, 381, 465, 466, 534, 565, 807,
1089. See also Commerce; General welfare;
Happiness; Prosperity
EDDY, AMASA (Glocester), 167*
EDDY, DAVID (Tiverton), 209*
EDDY, JESSE (Glocester), 168*
EDDY, JONATHAN, JR. (Glocester), 169*
EDDY, MICHAEL (Newport), 1059
EDDY, NOAH (Glocester), 169*
EDDY, OLNEY (Glocester), 168*
EDDY, STEPHEN (Smithfield), 204*
EDDY, WILLARD (Glocester), 168*
EDDY, WILLIAM (Glocester), 168*
EDES, BENJAMIN (Mass.), liv
EDES, PETER (Newport): id., liv, 313; com-
ments on political climate, 278; criticism of
for not printing antislavery petition, 49; de-
fends newspaper policy, 271-72; impartial-
ity of questioned, 243, 432; payment for
broadsides of RI form of ratification, 903,
1010n, 1012; policy on publication of laws,
278; as printer of Newport Herald, liv-lvi, 58,
269, 616n, 618n; prints Assembly proceed-
ings, xlvii, 14; prints Constitution as broad-
side, 25, 26; prints RI form of ratification,
902, 1003n; as satirist, 259. See also Newspa-
pers, in Rhode Island, Newport Herald
EDMUNDS, ANTHONY (Coventry), 157*
EDUCATION: federal support for, 1072n; im-
portance of in making good citizens, 387,
1070, 1071
EDWARDS, EPHRAIM (Scituate), 202*
EDWARDS, JOHN (Scituate), 203*
EDWARDS, PIERPONT (Conn.): id., 29n; as del-
egate to Congress, 256n; favors Constitu-
tion, 28
ELAM, SAMUEL (England, Portsmouth): id.,
703n; and Portsmouth instructions to Con-
vention delegates, 702, 703n, 912, 994, 994n
ELDRED, HENRY (North Kingstown), 188*
ELDRED, JOHN (Jamestown), 173,* 473, 624
ELDRED, ROBERT (North Kingstown), 188*