Members from other States, who may be in this City, are particularly
requested to join the Society on this important occasion.
Tuesday Morning, July 22, 1788.
1. Broadside (Evans 45362).
Order of Procession
New York, 23 July 17881
On 22 July the New York Packet published the "Order of Procession" for the
ten divisions of marchers that would comprise the federal procession of 23
July, and immediately below the "Order of Procession" the Packet printed the
"Orders for the Day of Procession." Three broadside versions also exist. Two
similar undated broadsides of the "Order of Procession" were printed without
colophons and were probably also printed prior to 23 July. Neither is listed in
Evans. Both broadsides consecutively numbered (through seventy-six) the
groups of marchers in each of the ten divisions. The broadside located in the
New York State Library is lightly annotated in hand. The eighth division lists
"Carvers and Engineers" instead of "Carvers and Engravers," which appears
in the more heavily annotated broadside found in the Library of Congress.
This suggests that the Library of Congress copy was printed later than the one
from the New York State Library. (For a facsimile of the heavily annotated
broadside, see Mfm:N.Y.)
On 23 July the Daily Advertiser published a corrected version of the "Order
of Procession," but like the New York Packet it did not number the seventy-six
groups of marchers. A broadside of the corrected "Order of Procession" was
printed again without a colophon (Evans 45320). Like the two preliminary
broadsides, this broadside numbered the seventy-six groups of marchers. This
revised broadside is printed below. The handwritten marginal notes from the
heavily annotated preliminary broadside present difficulties since it is not clear
to which groups of marchers the notes refer. Therefore, the marginalia are
not included here. See Mfm:N.Y. for a facsimile of the broadside. The footnotes
to the revised broadside indicate differences between the revised broadside/
Daily Advertiser and the two preliminary broadsides/New York Packet.
On 23 July the "Order of Procession" was also printed in the Independent
Journal and New York Journal; the Independent Journal made only two of the
corrections that appeared in the revised broadside/Daily Advertiser, while the
New York Journal made none. On 26 July, three days after the procession took
place, the Impartial Gazetteer duplicated all of the corrections of the revised
broadside/Daily Advertiser. The Gazetteer also inserted a woodcut depicting the
Ship Hamilton. Outside New York, the "Order of Procession" was reprinted in
the Pennsylvania Packet, 24July; Boston Gazette, 28July; and Norfolk and Portsmouth
Journal, 6 August. The Packet and the Gazette made none of the corrections of
the revised broadside/Daily Advertiser, while the Norfolk newspaper made two.
Order of Procession,
In Honor of the Constitution of the United States.
At eight o'Clock on Wednesday Morning the 23d of July, 10 Guns
will fire, when the PROCESSION will parade and proceed by the fol-